I cant get my hands on shrooms

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Active Member
I cant find any dealers here who can get shrooms. So I decided to get them myself. I know this is a dangerous thing to do so I'm going to be safe about it. But I need a couple questions answered first.

1.) I live in lower central canda where the landscape is flat. Will this affect my search for shrooms next summer?

2.) Is it true it is best to search after a rainfall?

3.)What do I need to know before searching that I might not already know?


Active Member
I cant, I live with family that is completly un-aware of my use of drugs...even though I smoke in my room all the time



Well-Known Member
where there is a will there is a way im sure you can figure it out just dont go looking for them that is really unsafe or atleast go with someone who knows what they are doing......personally i hate the things........but to each his own i dont hate
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