Hydroton layer with rockwool cubes on top??

I'm considering placing a layer of hydroton on my 2X4 flood table, then putting my plants in 6x6in rockwool grow cubes on top of the hydroton layer. What are your opinions?
I think it will keep light away fromt he roots and will allow them to grow over the entie table. Only worry is not being able to move the plants w/out breaking roots. thanks!


Well-Known Member
big rockwool cubes are not meant to be flood/drained several times per day. you can look at how it.s done with drippers that feed once per day or less. when you saturate rockwool for long time, your overwatering. putting a layer under it is great allowing roots to grow in rocks. i do it different, i fill up the whole tabl with rocks and flood/drain it. easier setup, better growth IMO


Well-Known Member
OR you can use like 3x3 blocks and place them on top of 3-4" or hydroton then flood to the top of the hydroton, the rw will stay moist enough and roots will thrive in the hydrton


Well-Known Member
Roots grow into hydroton and you can't move the plants. Just put them into the try with NO hydroton. The roots will not grow out the bottom of the blocks. Check out my sig. Six plants in the rockwool blocks. a lot less work and hassel.
I'm considering placing a layer of hydroton on my 2X4 flood table, then putting my plants in 6x6in rockwool grow cubes on top of the hydroton layer. What are your opinions?
I think it will keep light away fromt he roots and will allow them to grow over the entie table. Only worry is not being able to move the plants w/out breaking roots. thanks!
How about 2x2 starter cubes in 6" mesh pots filled with hydroton. The cubes would be partially exposed a the top, then you would flood to the bottom of the cube? COuld you flood say every 3 hours or so using this method?


Well-Known Member
yes you can do this, but i would not let water touch the cube, it will remain saturated, not good. also cover top of the cube with something, a sheet of plastic or watever to prevent light and algae
that sounds like a good idea. I want to be able to water every 3 or 4 hours. my friend was using straight hydroton in a mesh pot and he couldn't keep it moist enough. a cover would certainly help with light and keeping moisture in if i just used a mesh bottom pot to flood with?


Well-Known Member
i use 3x3x3 wools in 6x6x7 square pots filled with hydro rocks. i use to use the regular 6" circle net pots but the roots would come out the sides so ended up using the flood pots they work great if you want to move your ladies about your room and the roots can only come out the bottom of the pot the sides are shielded from the light. they get i nice root system in the pot to it also keeps the rockwool out of the water too only the roots will be in the water. i use flood and drain 2x4 trays as well. in that pic that is actually the net pot i was using for that plant cut what i could off and stuck it in the pot.


Thanks guys. Helpful thread. Gonna do the 2x2x2 cubes in a square non-mesh pot. just gotta make sure there are enough holes in the bottom for a proper flood and drain. Totally excited. about to toss my last ever soil grow into flowering! GO HYDRO!


Active Member
I would suggest not to use the net pots, I currently am using them filled with hydroton and placed into a 4" rockwool, and the net pots are cutting into my roots and causing much harm to the plants.