Hydroponic Grow Time?


Active Member
Ive heard about Hydroponically grown marijuana before and have a general idea of how it works but ive never tried it. How much time does it generally reduce from the growth time? I know soil takes 3-4 months. How long do you veg hydro before you start flowering and how long do you flower for?


Well-Known Member
You still can veg for a long time - it really depends on how much yield you're looking to get and the amount of space for your plants to grow.

But from what I can gather, I think most of any time savings by growing hydro is mostly during vegetative since if a strain takes nine weeks to mature - it takes nine weeks to mature - know what i mean?

Being able to monitor your pH and PPM is very important with hydro since the plant reacts much faster (both positively and negatively) to conditions.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yes, flowering time to maturity is genetic, so the only difference in the two is veg time. I'd say that hydro veg time is about half of soil veg time to get the same sized plant.

HTH :mrgreen: