Hydro questions


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I set up a single 5 gal bucket 1 month ago to experiment with DWC, growing blue mammoth auto. I'm 28 days in on this plant and for the first 25 I used no ppm meter and had some PH issues using well water, was constantly 7.0 or higher. I've fixed this problem using r/o water and my ph is a steady 5.8. My problem now is reading my ppm meter. I have it calibrated and I know it's giving accurate readings. My first question is why my ppm has raised over the past 2 day, the first time I measured it was 780, it is now 830. I'm using Ionic grow/bloom/pk. I'm using the Naci scale on my meter and below 830 it says x10, is this the reading I should go by? if so my ppm is 8300... the plant is totally healthy. If anyone could shed some light on this for me I'd appreciate it. Sorry no pics.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Sounds like your meter is wack. That little tan color $40 ppm meter is junk. I have thrown away about 10 of them. If you were at 8500 the plant would burn right in front of your eyes.

After rereading you prolly have a different one than I'm thinking of but it sounds like that's your issue.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, just measured in Ms and it came out 1.61, so everything matches up for me many thanks