Hydro/Dirty Sweet Purple+some bag seed WITH PICS


Well-Known Member
As of now, it's day 2 for the baby purp's. The bagseed we have in dirt is about 4 days old, we just moved it in from outside.
We used miracle grow potting soil...not sure what kind exactly but it looked decent, and the ez-hydro kit is very useful...hopefully we are doing everything right. Still waitin for the 3 purple's to sprout. The biggest plant we have was getting eaten by ants...so we had to move it inside...and it already grew a new set of leaves :hump:

Feel free to give advice or just say what's up!



Well-Known Member
Just a quick update...day 3 since the the purps were put in the soil...stlil nothing...herm...but...everything esle is going well...so i guess wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Going all cfl...and yeah, i'll probably get them in they're own pots here in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday the first purple popped up...will get some pics when the other one pops up and they get a little bigger! I'm so excited!


Well-Known Member
yes i start them with light from the beginning...but then again...this is our FIRST grow...so any help or advice is appreciated


Well-Known Member
The purps are now 4 and 1 day old...the 4 day old has his first set of true leaves and is looking healthy, and the lil one is looking good as well...the weeklings were all just transplanted recently and are all doing excellent, will get pic's up soon.