Hw would I get a job with marijuana


Active Member
^^ Lol I can't even type a title

Ok so I'd like to know how do people get jobs working with marijuana? I've seen many videos ranging from; legal grow ops, Urban Grower, Cannabis Cup, THC seeds(displaying strains), and other seed companies displaying seeds.

My whole life I was raised into believing marijuana was a horrid thing and I've just recently become an adult and I have discovered this hidden culture if you will allow me to call it such. It's amazing to see what I've hid from every police officer is being grown right here(USA) legally in our country by people like you and I. How can people obtain such a place in society where they grow for the government. Or working at a dispensary also amazes me. Working at a seed company would be phenomenal, I mean just being able to create an herb to your liking would be the best feeling.How does someone become permitted to grow medicinal marijuana, I mean this is crazy talk. Or last but definitely not least, an herb tester?! Go to youtube and check out Urban Grower. He works for a nutrient company which is amazing. I believe he too is an American, which isn't hard to see. But his license plate in one of his pictures reads, "Buds-1". How in the world is this possible? In the country where I almost went to jail for 2 ozs for and this guy is driving around with Buds-1 on his license plate?!

How many times have you heard this growing up, " Do what you love."? Well, I have what I love and it is herbs and I would be the happiest guy on earth if I could just have on of these jobs.

I need to be informed, please!!