humidity problem

how can i raise my humidity a little humidity is betwwen 35 and 40 % rite now...i want to get it up a little bit...from what i have read on other threads it is definately to low...any help will recieve some rep and be much appreciated..thanx to all that may reply.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Maybe a small humidifier? What are your temps in the room......its possible also to place a container of water in the room and allow it to evaporate into the air.....if its warm enough.
my temp of the closet is only like 60-62 on average and like i said above humitidy is 35-40 percent...this is my first grow just paronoid that my plants will be an epic fail.


a steady RH of 40-60 is most significant in the vegging stage. When RH is too low the leaves perspire and dry out preventing optimal light absorption and food storage. You should buy a small humidifier. If you need a quick fix boil a large pot of water and put it in the room. the rising steam will help raise the RH but you have to do it several times a day to keep it consistent