Humic acid question


anyone used humic acid in powdered form?? how should i apply it?
Dont overdo it, a very little goes a long way. If you over use it, it will screw with your pH and CEC and could cause mold and lack of oxygen as the soil will be so full of glue.

For a soilless mix like ProMix, here is how I would use it. In a 1gal milk jug, mix up a typical nut solution. Then add just enough powder that when you shake it, its fairly dark and you cannot see thru. Alot of organics already have humic acid in so you might not need to add much, if any. If in a 5gal bucket, I might use this treatment 4-6 times from clone to end of flowering.

If your already using an organic with lots of humic, I wouldnt even bother as your already loading it up. You can tell by the 'darkness' of the mixed solution as most of the dark black and amber colors comes from carbon compounds like humics, caramels and partially undigested biomass that is on its way to humics and caramels. It takes a crapper load of flush to significantly wash it out.


Well-Known Member
sweet great info... but nothing on how often or how much per plant.... i mean .45lb/acre isnt very indicative...thks though... no one ever used it in soil ?


Well-Known Member
sweet great info... but nothing on how often or how much per plant.... i mean .45lb/acre isnt very indicative...thks though... no one ever used it in soil ?

Did you even look at the link I supplied?

They list application rates with ALL their products. From .5 to 1 gram/gallon of water every 2 weeks for the most part. The information is right there.
