Huge fucking grow bust


New Member

this brought a tear to my eye when they were chopping :(


Well-Known Member
look at what them fucking mexicans do to the planet,this is exatly why its so hard to get marijuana legal i hope they throw the book at these moron's


Well-Known Member
so dumb. Like if you were to wanna do green houses like that with a industrial size heater. go up to the N.W.T.

So many lakes up there and no people I love Canada <3


Active Member
i love how she spouts a lot of stupid untrue "facts"! Organized crime would be growing pot and making money off it if it was legal. But alas Ignorance is Bliss!


Well-Known Member
Did she say we will not only be getting the thc but the chemicals in the Bud ?

Did she ever think about all the vegetables and fruits that are grown, She eats more pestecides wax and fertilizers , not to mention GMO food's Then she has a brain to imagine.

Garbage thrown everywhere ? I see one pile. a pile is not everywhere its in one spot.

Who does she think she works for, She works for the banksters and the bigest drug dealers.

And herb is a herb a plant not a drug, You want a drug, look at your so called medecine and your so called vaccines.

Dumbed down sheep, go get a real job, Go get educated, Stop living in your little bubble.
Stop watching tv, Do something useful you slime.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That really doesn't bother me at all. Ignoring everything else, those growers have completely trashed the place. any grower who has no respect for nature and is focused on nothing but growing cannabis, well they can get fucked :)


Well-Known Member
that reporter was right all the money the mexicans make go straight to the cartel's in mexico and what do you think they are buying with it???????


Well-Known Member
wow she needs to stfu... They just want to cause hype in the communities to keep everyone against marijuana. These guys were probably just trying to make a decent living like many other growers. Shits fucked up...


Well-Known Member
not saying growers dont ever fund gangs and cartels... they should be brought down but all the joe schmoes growing for themselves should be left alone!