Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
yep but thats what i'm stuck with for the time being, enough about those fucking pricks though i'll ignore it and enjoy the small things in life, still kind of hard not to take personal though im lucky i had weed yesterday to calm me down and booze to dull the misery

enough negativity out of me though im at peace with everything.
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Well-Known Member
yep but thats what i'm stuck with for the time being, enough about those fucking pricks though i'll ignore it and enjoy the small things in life, still kind of hard not to take personal though im lucky i had weed yesterday to calm me down and booze to dull the misery

enough negativity out of me though im at peace with everything.
Who has you kidnapped and is forcing you to hang out with these unpleasant people?


Well-Known Member
Im so thankful to know my cat had access to catnip the past two days

My cat been depressed and been fighting urge to confront neighbor who tortured her cousin to death who I spent money and love and time into. memories mother fucker

She is thankfully chasing mice more than spending time trying to comprehend wtf just happened


Well-Known Member
I swear my cat is possessed by the recent passed cousin of hers

she's awfully spunky tonight, all squirly...or maybe im the potato lmfao if only this brain mush lasted for an eternity...

I will piledrive your anus with my cock doesnt matter what gender you are if you even begin to think that my cat is on drugs in the picture...animal abuse...read my god damn post
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Well-Known Member
I have an anger inside me to learn forum phishing/'hacking' to see if one of you bitches on here really is a cop

the world is worse off with unnecessary policing


Well-Known Member
I cant understand how people get addicted to alcohol, not trying to talk shit bro

other than being an easy to consume, less harmful than smoking chemical, cheap and available everywhere, I dont see why people chase that lame body high you get from alcohol
I found better highs to achieve in all aspects...except the danger and abuse and typical shit lol

im approaching the moon right now, it's therapeutic but easy to mishandle

wish the temp outside was warm so I can go chill under the stars n drink a bottle or two, maybe coors light

so boring alone, would much rather be kicking it with the homie... ive come to think of him as an older bro or uncle (cuz mine werent around.) who helped make me grow up and be street smart
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Well-Known Member
I like kickin it sometimes with a few brews or rum and cokes. And who hasn't had those mornings waking up in a strange part of the house (or yard) with an empty bottle of jagermiester next to them. What the hell happened last night...?
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