hps/t5 flower combo need help.


Well-Known Member
Its a 430w hortilux super hps on a 4ft mover with dual bulb t5's running along both sides of the light track , being 4-4 foot t5's in total. I was wondering what the best brand and combination of spectrums would be good to go with the HPS bulb for flower. Heres a site with a lot of diff spectrum bulbs i found http://www.htgsupply.com/Category-T5-Fluorescent.asp this is the hps being used http://www.4hydroponics.com/lighting/items.asp?ItemNo=hortiluxHPS430 the question is what would be the ideal combo to go with this hps??(2100k)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You bumped after 10 minutes? LOL You asked a very specialized question you'll have to be patient until the grow gods arrive or horror of horrors I'll give you advice then your goose will be cooked ha!.


Well-Known Member
i have seen 3000 k t5ho bulbs mixed with these bulbs t5hoUVL Red Sun T5 Bulb with good results these bulbs have color spectrum thats great for flowering according to recent research ive done ...just a thought for ya !


Well-Known Member
thanks for the extra bump! sorry im impatient lol
thank you surfhead ill check em out


Well-Known Member
lol yeah ive seen that one before and i understand he uses each light to achieve the correct balance of light colors. I want the same idea but with my super hps and 4 4foot t5's so i just didnt know really how to figure out how to combine everything right


Well-Known Member
bumpin it up-- any other suggestions are very welcome as of now im thinking 2x 3500k and 2x 3000k to go with the hps, but am not sure if those spectums are gonna supplement it to the fullest or if I should do a diff combo


Well-Known Member
hortilux 430 hps is the best on that end imo

do they make one of those uvb bulbs, that they put in those solarstorm leds, that would go into a t5?


Well-Known Member
--- I know this isn't answering your question but it should be said --- Kelvins (K) is a measure of color-temperature; they heat up a piece of Tungsten metal to point where it becomes a particular color. The sun measures at 5600 K (6000 when cloudy), which is BLUE, so when you get your CFLs or MH bulbs, that's a great spectrum to look for. Now this is where I'm going off the cuff - for Flowering, I think 2800-3400K (RED/ORANGE) should be awesome. Below 2800 is a spectrum shown before sunrise so I would think it'd be ineffective. 2800 = sunrise, 3400 = one hour after sunrise. I'm nor sure what exactly is best for Flowering but that range will give you that Dank orange glow :) GL!

oh - ps, mixing spectrums (blue/red) is totally groovy. Just recognize that veg needs more blue and flower needs more red.


Well-Known Member
In my 8 @ 4ft HO T5 set up

During flower I use

UVL Red Life/Sun
Wave Point Coral Wave
Zoomed Florasun

Pic taken Friday



Well-Known Member
yes guys thank you so much. I would just add in the flowering spectrum t5 grow bulbs but i know that some of these bulbs have peak outputs of spectrums your plant can't even use, and looking at pF's grow i'm probably going to get a combo of those 3 types, but i have 4 bulbs. So ill get those 3 bulbs and ill have 2 of one of em. any idea which one i should have 2 of? I've looked at your hybrid hydro/aero system pF and i think i have everything to make it, i just really can't grasp how it works haha. maybe you can explain? also if those bulbs are what u think i should use im gonna go all in and get em.


Well-Known Member
Nizza, as I mentioned in the PM, but this is for anyone else, all spectrums within PAR are beneficial

Monochromatic bulbs/diodes are not the answer, though they will grow good bud

The magic is knowing how to complement the peaks, or better still use more complete PAR bulbs, at least for veg. THEN, during flower replace 80-90% of them with red bulbs, like UVL Red Life/Sun (same bulb, different designation for fish or plants)