HPS and fluorescents... Can you do that?


Active Member
ok so I'm kinda new to this, grown outdoors and that worked really well. Now moving indoors and Im setting up my room. Its about 15x8'. I have 2 1000HPS lights and a 600HPS light. The 600HPS is going to be used in a different room for the youngin's. I want the best/biggest bud. It seems like 2 1000w HPS would be too much for the room. So I was thinking about adding two 4' fluorescents and one 1000w HPS in my 15x 8 grow room. I've read somewhere about the different light that each give off. So any advice? What would be the best way for me to go? thank you


New Member
I'm not expert, but I think 1000w is plenty. Most people use less wattage than that. I don't think there will be any need for the fluoros.


Active Member
I was thinking that there might be no need......BUT what if I put the HPS on for 10 hours and the Fluoros on for 2, or 8 and 4, for different light. Would that do anything? let me know! And is one 1000w hps big enough for my 15x8 room?


Well-Known Member
Putting flouros on the sides aren't a bad idea. But for really good grows in a 15 X 8 room 2 1000w hps's would be about right.


Active Member
if you are using hps it might not be a bad idea to get some uv emitting flouros to supplement, the more like outdoor light you can get the better, just make sure you wont have heat problems


Active Member
ok, so Im going to go with what I have now, 2 1000W HPS. But Im still going to look into the Flours. Im sure it cant hurt!


Well-Known Member
Or you could put the floro's vertically around the perimeter of the plants for more undergrowth lighting for the fan leaves and all your hps's on top with a great cooling system. You'd get some good yields from that I would think.


Active Member
Nice, I was thinking about doing that. I would have the HPS above and the Flours on the sides. For time I was thinking 10 hours HPS and 3 hours Flours, overlapping one hour of both HPS and Flours in hour 9. So I'd still have 12/12. So does anyone think that 2 1000w HPS is too much for a 15x8 room?


New Member
Nice, I was thinking about doing that. I would have the HPS above and the Flours on the sides. For time I was thinking 10 hours HPS and 3 hours Flours, overlapping one hour of both HPS and Flours in hour 9. So I'd still have 12/12. So does anyone think that 2 1000w HPS is too much for a 15x8 room?
That sounds like a lot of unnecessary trouble.. I would just set up both of the 1000w HPS .. but spread them out on opposite sides of the room. If the plants don't look like they're doing well, you could always just change it. Or you could even use one of the 1000w for vegging and use the 600w and other 1000w for flowering. Just make sure the lights are like 8 feet away from the plants and just watch them and make any necessary changes. It will work out... You have everything you need so there is no reason why you can't figure out the best approach. I also heard that fluoros are the best thing to use for the first couple weeks of the plant's life, because HPS could be a little too much for babies...so you could use them for that.


Well-Known Member
The flouros would only have a use supplimenting the areas around the bottom/sides of the plants that are visibly shaded by the HPS, The lights will also have to be much closer to the plant but it would have a beneficial effect.

To better answer you question, having a few hours with just flouros would provide no benefit over just HPS light.


Active Member
Ok so I lied about how big the room is. After I put walls up and everything its about 12x7' is that too small for two 1000W hps? I'll post another thread asking that too