Hows she looking guys?


Well-Known Member
this damn bitch wont stop growing!!! shes been on the flowering cycle for a while, sloooowly :sleep: beginning to take off. shes not stretching much anymore but godamn did she bush out! also i plan on going with another extra hundred watts of cfl around the plant, now should i do this with 1 26 watt cfl on each side with about 4 of those or should i get 2 42 watts and 1 26 watter? keep in mind im pressed for space considering the size of this massive plant. any advice (besides hps advice :cuss::finger:) would be she is!


grow space

Well-Known Member
Looking good man, nice and healthy.
I say no matter, more 26 watters or just some 42 ones.Use reflectors too if u aint using already.

keep up the good work....


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, nice and healthy.
I say no matter, more 26 watters or just some 42 ones.Use reflectors too if u aint using already.

keep up the good work....
thanks man, i actually haven't used reflectors the entire grow, just got some windsheild reflectors in there with a thick white shower curtain over the front with a nice big peice of cardboard covering the whole front so no light gets in.


Well-Known Member
What lighting has been used to this point? How old?
224 watts total, shit i vegged the bitch for quite a long time, its hard to explain but she went under alot of stress before i got her in the proper environment so i cant really tell you how long but a good estimate would be vegged for 8 weeks and switched 12/12 like 3 weeks and some change ago. starting her out it was just on a windowsill with her brothers, then i started it out as a pc grow, then put it inside a box after transplanting all 3 then they got moved into the basement and out of the shitty ass potting mix i had them in originally. this pic should clear shit up as far as what kinda "lifestyle" she had to endure as a child :-( lol shes the one stretched like crazy



Active Member
those lights should be within an inch or two of the plant bro, those plants are stretching..


Well-Known Member
those lights should be within an inch or two of the plant bro, those plants are stretching..
are you commenting on those babies? cuz that was just an example of what my girl was looking like months ago, if u look at those pics and see the one that was really stretched, thats her months later in the top pics, she is doing very well now, read the thread before you post!!!


Well-Known Member
Yah i could tell low light right away, but I like the looks man, good job


Hehe I can feel your frustration Genosyde! Oh and hey you know, you need to put those lights closer... Those seedlings are stretching.... hahahaha jk jk. :P But aside from me coming in here to joke around, i'd also like to commend you on a job well done. She's a monster dude. Great work! I'd love to see her come harvest time. How much longer do you think she has left before she meets the sharp end of a pair of scissors?


Well-Known Member
Hehe I can feel your frustration Genosyde! Oh and hey you know, you need to put those lights closer... Those seedlings are stretching.... hahahaha jk jk. :P But aside from me coming in here to joke around, i'd also like to commend you on a job well done. She's a monster dude. Great work! I'd love to see her come harvest time. How much longer do you think she has left before she meets the sharp end of a pair of scissors?
honestly dude, id say another 8 weeks or more. once i get my extra 100 watts of lights in there that might change though, i havent watered her for a few days now, tryna get her all dried up and ready for that next quenching drink. im pretty sure shes high sativa, sativas take WEEKS to form buds, i think thats where this strain falls into play outta some sick bagseed my other one was mostly indica and grew alot different then this one, turned out to be a male so it got the axe.


Well-Known Member
Looks great man, ours is being a slower flowering strain as well but it's picking up now.
yea man i feel that, i get jealous when i see dudes into it 2 weeks and have that shit cresting and starting to form buds, but then i think, its all strain. they might have buds early but my sativa might be more potent u know what i mean? percolating and whatnot to form some nice hefty buds. she has the common outlook of a sativa, hence the internode spacing. people think its from the lights but the spacing is on point everywhere, like an exact amount of spacing in between the nodes :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
wow man, sorry. just tryin to help:-(
im sorry but i would appreciate if you read my thread first, those ones stretching in the lil mock pc grow (which didnt last long) was just an example to see the amount of shit my plant had to go through before i actually got her in a decent environment and came out to a fucking monster. no hard feelings :lol: get high and be happy dude.


Well-Known Member
bump! imma have more pics tonight! the lights go on 1:30 am central time just watered the bitch so it should be looking nice and right before she went to sleep is when she got it. shes gonna suck that shit up really good. then i will treat her with a nice mist but not too much, where can i get some molasses?