Howdy peeps - just thought I'd introduce myself.... and ask about website security!


Well-Known Member
I've been studying RIU for a few months now and I'm intending on becoming an 'active' member soon. However, I'm a tad paranoid (aren't we all? :roll:) and would appreciate if someone could tell me about how secure our posts are on here? Do our IP's get tracked with each post? Would the (UK) Police be likely to monitor websites such as this (probably!) and, more importantly, be likely to take action by demanding data from RIU?

I'm sure I'm just being majorly paranoid, but before I start blabbing about any of my exploits I'd just appreciate if anyone can alleviate some of my concerns!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dont post pictures of a warehouse of weed and you'll be fine. No one cares about a few plants unless the neighbors smell your op and call the police. they have better things to do than bust thousands of tiny op's all over the place; bigger fish to fry.

When are you guys getting medical MJ over there? (if ever?)


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate - I kind of thought that, but it's always best to ask!

I'd hope we'll see a change in our archaic laws over the next couple of years, but I won't hold my breath! It seems that every MP over here talks the talk before they get into power and then they must be told to 'toe the line' once they get into power. Our latest Prime Minister is a Conservative (David Cameron) and we also now have a 'Deputy PM' who is a Liberal Democrat (Nick Clegg). David Cameron was pushing for Ecstasy to be decriminalised a few years ago, but he seems to have forgotten all that now. The Lib Dems (who I voted for) have a policy of amending drug laws so they are based on scientific fact, rather than moralistic values, but we've still seen nothing change.

The government set up an open forum about changing pointless laws recently and needless to say it was mainly full of people demanding a relaxation of the laws on cannabis.............. but, as per usual, they've completely ignored everyone!!! WHAT A WASTE OF TAX PAYERS MONEY THAT WAS!! They released a new 'Drug Strategy' document in December and the long and short of it was they are going to clamp down again!!! WTF?!?!

As with the rest of the Western world, we are facing huge cuts to services to save some cash so I just don't see why they can't see the benefits of at least decriminalising cannabis. They would save MILLIONS in Policing and the tax they'd reap would be massive (though not from me! I'll grow my own thankyou!).

Though I toke recreationally, I also use it to help my occasional sleep paralysis (it makes me sleep so deeply that I don't get it!). So, if we had the medicinal laws you guys have in some states I'd probably be able to get a permit/licence. My brother also has cripling back pain and the best medicine he has found is cannabis.... it's bloody ridiculous..... a cheap, natural remedy is denied to so many, by so few!!!

Rant over - I'll post something less political next time!!!


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's sad and pathetic about political leaders not wanting to be "the one" that decriminalizes cannabis.