How would you - Travel with plants?


Well-Known Member
Whether your bringing a clone to a buddy, or your moving your plants somewhere safe for awhile, or your bringing your stash back from the woods... RIU, how do YOU travel with plants???


Well-Known Member
Without any other weed in the car, obeying the speed limit, and making sure all lights, signals and registrations are good and insurance is up to date. All tires are ok with minimum chance for break down or flat tire. With Bob Marley playing of course.


Well-Known Member
I go to my local $1 store and but a XL plastic tub put my pots in and transport my plants. If you are using a hydroponics system and not moving far get a trusted friend to help you move give him some pot later.


Well-Known Member
how about some new ideas on gettin stuff outta the woods? we all know the whole backpack idea... Any new ones?