how would one go about making lsd?


Well-Known Member
is that lsd or lsa you whip up my cousin says that part of the ciriculum at his school was in organics but it wasnt a in depth thing just a semester
if your interested in LSA, that stuff is really easy to whip up from what i hear. there are several members here at RIU who could help you with that. thats a synth you can get everything for easily from what i hear.


Active Member
if your interested in LSA, that stuff is really easy to whip up from what i hear. there are several members here at RIU who could help you with that. thats a synth you can get everything for easily from what i hear.
is that the morning glory i hear so much about


Active Member
yes. i believe there is a higher yield from hawaiian baby woodrose seeds but dont quote me as im not positive.
but there is plenty of info on that availible.
idk bout that do some homework on that if you do that crap it can result in the loss of life or limb seriously cuts off blood flow when done to often i like to dose all weekend long at camping trips and festies


Well-Known Member
idk bout that do some homework on that if you do that crap it can result in the loss of life or limb seriously cuts off blood flow when done to often i like to dose all weekend long at camping trips and festies
i dont take the stuff, just trying to give info. like i said, i have no trouble getting real LSD.


Active Member
i think hes refering to the toxicity comment.

i dont know much about the stuff, dont care to try it.
i saw i guy show you how to make it from morning glory and he said that if you do it like back to back you can cause blood flow restrictions to your limbs loss of limb or possibility of gang green internaly bad shit


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Here you go (the most efficient tek I've seen):

ergotamine + NaOH -> lysergic acid
DEET + NaOH -> diethylamine
lysergic acid + diethylamine + peptitde couple reagent -> LSD-25