How warm does the enviroment need to be


Active Member
to sustain growth?

I have an older, drafty house that in the winter we struggle to keep @ 65 and afford the gas bill. the closet i use would be a little warmer thanks to the small space and lights though.

just curious if this is sufficiently warm enough to cultivate lady mary.


New Member
that temp would be fine when ur lights are on.. now at night you might need alittle space heater or something.. the room i have my plants in is freezing during winter cuz its a add on but i just bought a nice heater @ goodwill for 10 bux that normally would cost 50 at wallyworld.. gl


Active Member
that temp would be fine when ur lights are on.. now at night you might need alittle space heater or something.. the room i have my plants in is freezing during winter cuz its a add on but i just bought a nice heater @ goodwill for 10 bux that normally would cost 50 at wallyworld.. gl

when you say night do you mean night, or in the dark period? i typically keep my closet's daylight hours during actual night so i can view them when im home without interrupting their cycle