how vital is darkness during veg


Well-Known Member
18/6 or4 but darkness is always needed in growth thats were the main growth comes from in any plant is at night


Well-Known Member
I have read a few places that cannabis is a C3 plant. And doesn't need a dark period to take in co2. 24hr veg is fine.


bud bootlegger
I have read a few places that cannabis is a C3 plant. And doesn't need a dark period to take in co2. 24hr veg is fine.
i've read the same exact things many times, even read jorge cervante's saying how plants grown under 24 hours of light will grow 33% faster than plants that are only given 18 hours of light, but from experience, i've found that plants grow a lil better when they do have some dark period...
i like 18/ 6 myself...