How to Wash Extracts


Well-Known Member
I found it very easy to water wash an extract I made. Can't guarantee it will work the same on all extracts. This was an MEK extract from trim.

I had about 4 grams of extract and put about 30 ml deionized water (don't use any alkaline water as it will dissolve THCA) in a small glass measuring cup, a 1 cup capacity one and dropped the extract in, made it into a ball by cooling it first on parchment.

So then it was into the microwave and heated until the water boiled. The extract could then be easily swirled around with a dab tool to give it a good washing. When done washing, it forms up into a thin disc in the middle of the water, floating on top. I put the cup in the freezer until the water got cold and the disc got solid enough to lift out with the dabber and place on parchment. There's just a little water adhering to the surfaces to let dry off on the parchment.

Now I don't know if BHO or other types of extracts will also float like that, probably. Maybe MEK extract is higher in wax or something. Anyway, it's kind of fun making up a "cookie" of washed extract. Very little stuck to the glass btw. When hot, it likes to bunch up into one clean cookie, just gotta try not to let it hit the sides.

If your particular type of extract happens to form an emulsion when mixed with hot water, adding salt will break the emulsion and cause it to drop out.
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Well-Known Member
That was the first and only time I ever tried this hot water washing thing, but it occurred to me that this may be a good way to avoid all scraping of extracts, even rosin on parchment. Would it come off the parchment? Dunno but it's possible. And what about butane extracts? Would it bunch up in the middle of a glass pan or scatter?