how to use miracle grow properly?


New Member
My plant just sprouted this morning and in 3 weeks or so im going to need to find out what kind of food to feed it. So i did some research (I'm on a very tight budget) and figured miracle grow is what im going to feed it with. i understand it doesnt meet the recommendations for a cannabis plant but im just growing for fun and personal use so I dont mind not using the best products. So my question is, how much miracle grow should i add to a gallon of water? also im only using a 2 inch deep pot and its about 5 inches wide. Thanks for any help! Dont bother posting if your going to tell me not to use miracle grow.


Well-Known Member
email some nute company and get samples neptune's harvest just sent me there whole line full size bottles for free no shipping there is a bunch of other you can do to


Well-Known Member
First you should not attempt to grow marijuana in that small of a container, it will soon become root bound and your plant will suffer and not produce well if it survives. As for growing in miracle grow, I have done so for many tears with great success. The key is to not over fertilize as you will encounter nute lockout from over salted soil. I water as needed and fertilize with regular miracle grow garden fertilizer at half strength every 10 days through the flowering stage adding a bud hardener such as Gravity 4 weeks or so into flower through to harvest. I will search and see if I can find some pics I posted a couple of months ago of my outdoor done just this way. Good Luck and ignore the MG haters. :)


New Member
@CaretakerDad: im doing a micro grow, the room is only about 2 feet tall and like 10 inches deep and wide on a constant 12\12 lighting system so i figured it wont get too big so the small container wouldnt matter. This is also my first grow so i could be wrong about it not mattering, and i dont think im going to add anything extra like the bud hardener seeing as this is my frist grow and im already so confused with everything. Though could you exlain what bud hardener is? iv never heard of it until just now


Well-Known Member
So my question is, how much miracle grow should i add to a gallon of water?
One level teaspoon per gallon... 1/2 strength until 4 weeks old... Go deeper on your pot, it would be better to have 6" of soil In deepness...Now, your roots will have no room, and the water will pour through... so, take whole pot, [when dry] and scoop out your roots, and then put it into new 6" deep pot....GOOD LUCK!!! ................. ps don't le the MG haters get you down...


Well-Known Member
Gravity (and several other products like it) has an N-P-K of 0-2-0. It is not necessary but does add a little bulk to the buds during the latter stages of flowering. Your biggest problem in that confined space will be heat exchange from whatever light source you use so I hope you have addressed that. Good Luck and get a bigger pot :)


New Member
@sand4x105: by half strength do you mean half a teaspoon per a gallon until 4 weeks old? and i would try and move into a different and better pot except that the last time i tried i had accidentaly cut my plant in half! making this my third try. and yeah i have noticed the water running right through it, though i dont care too much seeing as how i water it accordingly. after this one either dies or hopefully makes it to harvest i'll be sure to get a new pot!


New Member
@CaretakerDad: I'll be sure to look into it as it sounds cheap and easy to use! and yes i have a ventilation system im currently building in it and am putting a fan inside. also am only using 3 cfls all 23 watt, 2 of the red spectrum for flowering and one of the blue for vegitative growth and will be running all 3 throughout the entire grow. im hopeing a small ventilation system will do the trick for the heat problem but we'll see in a few weeks i guess!


Well-Known Member
Search "jacks classic" nutrient. Use it with a soiless medium like promix or coco. J.R. Peters nutrients are so cheap, probably cheaper than miricale grow. You'll have a better chAnce of your plants not burning the death with jacks too. But ultimately the choice is up to you. I have grown in mg moisture control and it did the job.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If used properly a $5 bucket of mg for them bloomin' plants can do just as good as the $50 dollar a bottle stuff. I can't say for dirt but I go 1/6th of what it says for dirt per gallon and do one flood and drain every eight hours. I am growing in a mixture of lava rock and hydroton. My uncle Bob claims that the crystals on my eyeleaves and the sweet taste is from chemicals I am alledgedly using and he makes claims that the crystals on the eyeleaves are from me spraying my pot with sugar and water.lmao My weed tastes good because I do a 24hr roots off RO water flush after I strip fans and chop. Poor Bob And I get heavy crystals on my eyeleaves because my plants get exactly what they need when they need it. NPK, and micros from dolomite lime and plant ash.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I am sure you can get great results using this stuff. But over the long term, if economy is your concern, look into making your own 'compost teas'. They have reduced my expenses greatly, and increased my success exponentially. I am currently running a seedling tea for my tiny babies. That should give you an idea of how safe teas are to use as long as you prepare them right. It is a fascinating topic and like I said yields brilliant results.

With the small amount of lighting you are running, look into 'bathroom extractor fans' which should serve your needs within your budget. Don't forget an intake vent.

All the best with your first grow! Nothing like your first crop, even if it is small. It definitely will be the first of MANY. You might not care about what nutes you use right now, but report back in a few months and we see if that is still the case ;) Growing is addictive. Your show will get bigger and more advanced soon enough, I guarantee it. And welcome to the craziest show on the Interwebs too. RIU kicks ass.


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow works just fine. All of the nutrients out there are just a bunch of marketing companies trying to out match each other. I'm not going to say they are junk or garbage or that I'm loyal to any brand. You have to learn his to grow before you worry about nutrients, lights, co2, the numerous growing techniques etc. I can tell you a few simple steps that doesn't overcomplicate anything

1. Choose a soil that is as simple and has no added nutrients
2. Mix perlite at 25-33% with your soil...2 cups of dirt to 1 cup perlite, 3 cups dirt to 1 cup perlite etc. Vermiculite works too, but I prefer perlite. You can even use styrofoam pellets if on the super cheap.
3. Use a 2 gal pot from start to finish.
4. Remember I'm simplifying things and you will learn new techniques once you understand how things work
5. Place seed in middle of pot 1/2" down. Use tweezers and don't touch seed. Cover and lightly water...NO nutrients in water.
6. Seed will sprout 95% of the time. Do not water until soil is dry
7. Put plant under 16 hours on 8 hours dark.
8. Water the plant only when soil is dry As it makes the roots stronger when it has to search out water
10 days after sprouting use 0.5 ml miracle grow ( yellow container high nitrogen 12-4-8) per 2 liters
9. Move up to 1.0 ml per 2 liters after 20 days. These amounts aren't maxing your plant but you will never get nute burn.
10. After 35 days min you can just change your light schedule to 12 on and 12 off. Feed your plant one last time with the yellow bottle. You don't need to flush
13. When you first switch over you may think your plant is too small, but it will start to stretch and show flowering within a couple of weeks or sooner
14. You can start feeding it the miracle grow in the purple container. blooming fertilizer (5-30-5) as it has a higher P and K as nitrogen is not needed as much. The miracle grow fertilizers have all the micronutrients too
15. Tap water is fine if you are in a major centre but bottled is better...I forgot that part.
16. 1-2 ml of this fertilizer to 2 liters of water every feed seems to be fine. Just remember that each species is different in its ability to take nutrients.
17. You need to research when to harvest because it is very different amongst species but won't be sooner than 55 days. Too early is bad and too late is no good either. Oh yeah just feed up to the end because you won't know when it's ready to flush. That's ok your next time will be easier.
18. Cut down, trim and hang for at least a week or until the stems break crisply and not bend softly. If they bend softly its too wet and you don't want to mess with mold let it dry longer. Dryer is better than wetter.
19. Once dry, put in glass jars...any kind will do as long as it is VERY clean and free of food odors, with good seal. Store for at least a month opening every day for for a couple of mins and a great big whiff. Just to give it a quick air exchange. Just do it to make sure you get no mold growth. Keep in the jar for at least 1 month then enjoy. The buds get tighter the longer you cure them. Even airy or light bud gets more dense over time. I'm by far no expert, but I know it works.
20. The four biggest mistakes are overwatering, over fertilizing, too much heat, and lack of air circulation.

I hope this helps you to enjoy your new hobby.