How to transplant my plant with out stressing


Well-Known Member
whats the best method for transplanting my plant to a bigger pot...will it stress my plant if i started out with FF light Warrior and trans plant it to ocean forrest soil??


Well-Known Member
wait until it is very dry and it should have next no stress at all. it should be old enough now if it is ready for transplant to handle OF soil.


Well-Known Member
I think the most important thing is to keep the rootball in tact. Another thing is to do it swiftly, they say the longer the roots are exposed to air, the more stress.

i think the soil question depends on your situation. I didn't want soil with nutrients when i recently transplanted because I am going into flower and I want to control the nutrients. If it's a smaller plant, you may want a soil with nutrients so you don't have to think about it for a while.

They say not to fertilize for 2 weeks after a transplant and to keep the roots moist after the transplant but of course you don't want to overwater... Water until you see runoff right after transplanting.

Hopefully some of this is helpful.

People say superthrive can help too. I didn't use it but I've heard good things :)
Before transplanting, you want to wait til they are ALMOST root bound. I say almost because you don't want them to be actually root bound. (this stresses the plant). When there is very prolific root growth, go without watering for at least 4 or 5 days (enough that you can lift the entire soil plug out of the pot without it falling apart. Mix up a spray bottle with some B1 root master and spray the outside of the plug until wet. Dig your hole in the new soil that will house your plug. Spray the inside until saturated with the B1 solution. Wait until it absorbs and turns from almost mud to s regular looking soil. Transplant. If you have a hot house cover, now is not a bad time to use it!!, Make sure your mediums are relatively close in temperature and moisture. No root shock and the plants wont hurt. They won't veg as much for the first week or week and half because the B1 will make it focus on the root growth, but don't get worried. After that first critical week, your good to go. Word to the wise, DONT OVERDOSE YOUR B1!!!! You will nute lock that plant!, I use the root master B1, just follow the directions, mix it proper.

Grow Strong


Well-Known Member
never transplant and there are no transplant shocks/stresses basically
if you start the plant in a peat pot, you can just plunk it into it's new pot of dirt, pot and all...
the roots have an easy time drilling through a peat pot, plus the pot doubles as a thermal layer so the plant gets used to the new soil temps with ease as it's roots grow out.

if i noticed roots sticking out and burning off somewhere, i'd figure it is a good indication i waited to long this time, go ahead and repot it, and know better next grow.
Forgot to mention, PH your water and make sure its accurate!!! Leave your water to sit out over night (2 nights doesn't hurt), it's called tepid water, add your B1 (or nutes if your hydro) then PH it and correct it. General Hydro sells a great kit for 10 bucks on amazon with the Ph Up and Down, good for soil and hydro. If you can afford the extra 20 or 30 bucks for a second stick in soil PH tester, get it!!! Redundancy never hurts and you can always prove the other test wrong in the event of a misread. Besides, better buds at the end. Good luck with the grow

Grow Strong


Active Member
if you are using peat pots. (DO NOT) transplant by putting the whole thing in its next pot. some plants, it is fine to do so, but with mmj you let it get nice and dry before watering on a regular basis(which makes this method dangerous for your mmj plant's root system) the pot will dry and the roots wont be able to dig/live through it.

there is a rly good example of how to transplant around here somewhere but anyway.

let the soil get dry before transplanting. take the new pot and fill/measure with soil, put your current pot into the new pot and fill in around it with soil(as if it looked like it was already transplanted. then, gently slide the pot that the plant is currently in, out of the soil. try to roll the current pot in your hands to loosen up the edges(depending on what kind of pot its in), making it easier to pull the plant/root ball out. once you have pulled the plant out. place the root bulb in the hole that you made in the new pot, and water it in well. if you are putting it in ffof you might want to wait at least 1week before adding nutes.
