How to top my 5.5 footer...*PICS*


Active Member
I searched for "TOP, TOPPING, HOW TO TOP" etc and didnt come up with an answer to my question. Im basically looking for information on how to top my mother plant.

I have run out of verticle space and the plant in question is getting close to 6'. I am using her as a mother but am debating flowering her just to get rid of it. She just takes up WAY to much space and with all of the clones I've cut off of her and grown she's due to be retired. BUT, I've heard a lot about "topping" and was wondering if that might help my height issue.. can I just cut off the top 2-3 feet??? If so, where is this cut made? Any and all help with this would be appreciated. Pics of her below....



Active Member
OK so right where those top two branches are going out to the right and left is where I would do it. If you need more room go down the next set. I would cut the main stalkright above those braches at liek 1/2 an in at a 45 degree angle. Then do the same thing for the two side branches. This will get you more volume and decrease the height. How old is she btw?


Active Member
OK so right where those top two branches are going out to the right and left is where I would do it. If you need more room go down the next set. I would cut the main stalkright above those braches at liek 1/2 an in at a 45 degree angle. Then do the same thing for the two side branches. This will get you more volume and decrease the height. How old is she btw?
Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate the help.

I started germinating the seed she grew from on 9/22, so that would put her at around 2.5 months roughly. This is my first grow, I did quite a bit of research prior to starting, but all the research in the world isnt nearly as informative as just getting in there and doing it ya know.

Anyhow, I am trying to knock off a good 2 ft. do you think thats do-able? And what should I do with the cuttings? Are they clone worthy considering I would be cutting directly into the actual stock?

Thanks again for the help!


Active Member
Its good to hear that someone did some research on hear before posting 1000 HELP I have no clue about anything threads.
Yes I do think it doable. Maybe you should think about getting her feet in some fresh soil before you do it? On the otherhand she looks very healthy so Idk if its necessary.
And yes, use the cuttings. I would take cuttings from the part you are chopping first, then top it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think topping it down a foot or so will hurt it. I would make sure to make the cut(s) as clean as possible. If you will be making multiple cuts, do a couple and wait a couple of days before doing more. I would give it a few days to heal and recover before inducing flowering. And I would also trim off the bottom branches to get better airflow and concentrate the bud growth on parts of the plant closest to the light(s).

Keep in mind that depending on the genes, it might stretch out a lot for the first few weeks of flowering. Some plants double in size, but some just add a few inches.

Another option is just tying it down-- just make sure you don't bend it too much all at once.


Active Member
Again, thank you all for the help. I honestly do my best to utilize the search function and only post as a last resort.

The plant is actually very healthy, but she streatched quite a bit over the course of her life, mainly because I switched out lighting types a few times in attempt to get the best solution for my setup.

So lastly, if I cut the actual stock, I would be cutting her right below where the branches "Y" off? And if I understand you correctly, I can choose any of the upper "Y's"? Like I said in my previous post, I would like to cut a good 2' off of her if possible, so that would put me right around the 2nd major Y from the top.

I apologize for being redundant, but just want to make sure I do this correctly, so the steps should go as follows (please correct me if Im wrong):

1. Take cuttings to utilize as clones from all branches that will be cut off.

2. Cut the actual "stock" at a 90 degree angle directly beneath the "Y" of my choice.

3. Follow the clone process for the cuttings and discard the rest making sure to watch the plant and location of actual cut ensuring everything heals correctly.

Hope I got that all right, please chime in if I made any mistakes... thanks again!


Active Member
Everything is all good except 2.
Your actually going to cut straight across three branches... The main stalk and the side branches, all on the same level, at a half inch above the y with the main stalk up inbetween them. I hope that made sense... Kinda baked. If not, let me know and I will explain sober. Peace.


Well-Known Member
The search function doesnt work for me and hasnt since I've been on the site lol... you dont get a "database error" or some crap like that?


Active Member
Have you topped your plant yet wickd?.. if not, you should try cloning your top, i've done it twice now and have two healthy new my first one has two really nice tops now!


Well-Known Member
Search hasn't been working at all for me either lately.

I would not top that plant, she's beautiful. I also wouldn't keep her as a mother, you're right she's too big but you can just tie her down and spread her branches out and flower that whole thing. As it continues to grow and stretch just tie her and train her more and more.

You can harvest a SHITLOAD off her if you don't chop her and instead train her into a scrog or similar. Do you have the lights and room to flower this lady?

Next time don't give your mother so much dirt and light, then she'll stay smaller.

You can even lay that whole plant on it's side and transplant into a container that lets you water it on it's side, then train too.

Anyway if it were mine I'd find a way to harvest her whole.