How to take care of your plants that are in cups? (outdoors)


I'm planning on starting my outdoor grow in those plastic party drinking cups then transferring them to 3 gal. Pots in soil. But I have no idea on how to take care of them when there in the cups.
I know you don't feed them any nutrients, but how do you water them and how much?
Would it be a good idea to poke some sma holes in the bottom of the cup to let excess water out?
Also, about how long should they stay in the cups before I transfer them or how will I know when to transfer?
And my last question: Is it okay to just sit them on the ground with the sun shining on them? As oposed to, I don't know something else haha.
I'm pretty new at growing so any help would be great!


Active Member
i just spray them with water like every day alittle bit

and i usually will transfer them after two weeks if they are doing good

you could poke some holes if you want to water them that way

and i would think setting them on the ground would be fine as long as it is not that cold


Active Member
that sounds like a good plan if the weather is sunny outside where u live. definetly poke sum holes in the bottom, they should be ready to transplant at 2-3 weeks old:leaf:
haha wat stoney said^^^ he beat me to it :)


I have 14 plants growing in 16oz. party cups now,i put them in a window where there is plenty of light and when it gets dark at night i take them out and water them with a spray bottle,about 5-7 sprays per cup,depending on how moist the soil is,i plan on putting them outside as well,once spring comes around.Hope this helped a little


Well-Known Member
2-3 correct time because the roots will be too big after that. You dont need to use any nutes because if your using some potting soil in the cups it will have nutes in it enough for it to grow before you transplant it. Just water the soil in the party cups very well with 6ph water and from then on you only need to water a bit every other day. In early stage of your seedlings the soil should always remain moist but not soaking. Im going to be doing the same thing, starting my 4 single seeds from - Fruity Chronic Juice - Feminized - Frisian Dew - Feminized - LSD - Feminized - Northern Light x Big Bud in party cups and then putting them outdoors. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
You should get a few CFL's so you can control the day time because they are gonna start flowering if you start them now.


Thanks for all the replies!
I think this is what i'm going to do:

germinate my seeds and once I can see some roots popping out I'll plant them in the cups with the roots facing down. I'll spray them with water about 3-7 times either everyday or every other day depending on how moist the soil gets. I think I'm going to bring a little table or stool out so I can put the cups on that so there off the ground.
And I will transplant them into a 3 gal. Pot after around 2 weeks (maybe a little more) depending on how well there doing.
Oh, and once i've transplanted them into their permanent homes, Should I continue to spray them for about a week to get them settled or go straight into my normal watering plan which is a 2 liter bottle with a few needle size holes in the bottom? (I'm asking about the first week after transplant)
one last question, about how long should I wait to start feeding them nutes? About 2 weeks after the transplant?


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a really good plan. You can wait 1-2 weeks after the transplant to use nutes, start off with 1/4 strength and then 1/2 strength to prevent nute burn and nute lockout. GL