How to reused old soil


Well-Known Member
I have about 1000 gallons of happy frog that was used last year. They have no roots in there. I want to ammend it with out having to compost or wait. Just ammend and use.


Well-Known Member
You can but it’s best to amend it and let it sit a month or more keeping from drying out.
If your amending for instant use make up some earthworm/compost/mushroom compost tea to bump up the activity in the soil.

don’t go too heavy on blood,bone,fish meal and guanos they can burn if you don’t let it sit.


Well-Known Member
What can you suggest i innoculate it with? I currently have 25 pounds of bat guana and will buy dolomite lime.
Well, Bob Hemphill's favorite way is to soak compost/earth worm castings into your water bucket w/ a mesh bag. Basically you extract the microbes from the quality compost into the water. The trick is to only soak for 5-10 minutes and water your plants with it right away. The microbes will die quick in the water. You can also collect vegetation in your yard (as long as no one sprays glyphosate around, and no walnut trees near) and soak that in water. Soak the vegetation in 5 gallon bucket for a few days. Then, you add an airstone for the last day before you use it. The last suggestion is to buy some malted barley or any type of malted seed. I also do this with chickpeas.


Well-Known Member
Well, Bob Hemphill's favorite way is to soak compost/earth worm castings into your water bucket w/ a mesh bag. Basically you extract the microbes from the quality compost into the water. The trick is to only soak for 5-10 minutes and water your plants with it right away. The microbes will die quick in the water. You can also collect vegetation in your yard (as long as no one sprays glyphosate around, and no walnut trees near) and soak that in water. Soak the vegetation in 5 gallon bucket for a few days. Then, you add an airstone for the last day before you use it. The last suggestion is to buy some malted barley or any type of malted seed. I also do this with chickpeas.
When I've made EWC tea, I just throw the EWC and a little molasses in and bubble it for around 36 hours or so. I don't use a bag either.