how to reduce my cig smokes effect on plants


Well-Known Member
Big crap Matt if your weed inhales a bit of second hand smoke.:sad: Your plants won't mind it at all if you sit down with them for a cup of coffee and a smoke and maybe some tunes. Just make sure the music is soothing cause they hate heavy metal head banging jams and make sure you think "happy thoughts" while in their presence.

Matt...If your grow was gonna go without cigarette smoke than it'll be fine with it. You would however be wise to stop the coffin spikes anyway!! Up until 2 weeks ago I was smoking two decks a day at $7.50 a pack and HAD 35 years of cigs under my belt which equates to a lot of lungs and money.

If you find any evidence that casual smoking hurts your girls let me know. I think it's BS and you won't find anything cept maybe a little word of mouth. You do know however that YOU smell like a dirty ash tray and most folks would rather sit around a burning tire than hang around you!!:shock:

Good luck with the girls and kicking the burners....:peace:


If cigarette smoke can coat your while walls and turn them yellowish then it does the same to you plants, coating your plants with nasty chemicals is not a good idea.
I you had two plants, one constantly subjected to cigarette smoke and the other not i would bet you would see a difference in growth, yield and/or quality. This 2 plant experiment in separate but exact growing set up of course.

Smoke Chemicals
According to the Lung Association, tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of them poisonous or carcinogenic. Among them are carbon monoxide, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, lead, sulphur compounds, formaldehyde and, of course, nicotine. Toxic to humans and other animals, these chemicals do not bode well for healthy plants.

Pollutant Absorption
NASA has discovered that house plants absorb pollutants, removing such cigarette-borne toxins as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. You and your family can breathe a little easier, but your leafy roommates will have to take one for the team. Over time, the contaminants plants absorb build up in the leaves, stems, roots and soil.

House plants constantly exposed to cigarette smoke accumulate a layer of particulate matter, which according to Cynthia Galloway, botany professor at Texas A&M, could potentially clog the stoma. These are the pores in the plants' leaves which absorb oxygen. Blocked stoma will contribute to the suffocation of a plant.

Few clinical studies are available documenting how cigarette smoke affects plants. But several students have published the results of their experiments on the internet. These classroom studies show consistently detrimental effects upon leaf growth over the long term. Observed problems in the exposed plants include fewer leaves, stunted leaves and mutated leaves. Leaves tended to wilt and brown sooner as well, leading the students to believe that plant death would occur if the experiments continued.

Other Considerations
Though not transmitted by cigarette smoke itself, the tobacco mosaic virus can affect plants in a smoker's household. The virus can survive at least 50 years in dried plant material, making any tobacco product a potential carrier. Infected plants display a mottled pattern of discoloration and blemishes in leaf and fruit--the "mosaic" from which the virus gets its name.

There's no treatment, only prevention. If you smoke, don't do so while handling plants or tools for plant care. Wash your hands thoroughly after smoking. And, should your plants display signs of infection, get rid of them and any plants adjacent to them.


If cigarette smoke can coat your while walls and turn them yellowish then it does the same to you plants, coating your plants with nasty chemicals is not a good idea.
I you had two plants, one constantly subjected to cigarette smoke and the other not i would bet you would see a difference in growth, yield and/or quality. This 2 plant experiment in separate but exact growing set up of course.

Smoke Chemicals
According to the Lung Association, tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of them poisonous or carcinogenic. Among them are carbon monoxide, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, lead, sulphur compounds, formaldehyde and, of course, nicotine. Toxic to humans and other animals, these chemicals do not bode well for healthy plants.

Pollutant Absorption
NASA has discovered that house plants absorb pollutants, removing such cigarette-borne toxins as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. You and your family can breathe a little easier, but your leafy roommates will have to take one for the team. Over time, the contaminants plants absorb build up in the leaves, stems, roots and soil.

House plants constantly exposed to cigarette smoke accumulate a layer of particulate matter, which according to Cynthia Galloway, botany professor at Texas A&M, could potentially clog the stoma. These are the pores in the plants' leaves which absorb oxygen. Blocked stoma will contribute to the suffocation of a plant.

Few clinical studies are available documenting how cigarette smoke affects plants. But several students have published the results of their experiments on the internet. These classroom studies show consistently detrimental effects upon leaf growth over the long term. Observed problems in the exposed plants include fewer leaves, stunted leaves and mutated leaves. Leaves tended to wilt and brown sooner as well, leading the students to believe that plant death would occur if the experiments continued.

Other Considerations
Though not transmitted by cigarette smoke itself, the tobacco mosaic virus can affect plants in a smoker's household. The virus can survive at least 50 years in dried plant material, making any tobacco product a potential carrier. Infected plants display a mottled pattern of discoloration and blemishes in leaf and fruit--the "mosaic" from which the virus gets its name.

There's no treatment, only prevention. If you smoke, don't do so while handling plants or tools for plant care. Wash your hands thoroughly after smoking. And, should your plants display signs of infection, get rid of them and any plants adjacent to them.
very well said, dnoob!!


Active Member
Other Considerations
Though not transmitted by cigarette smoke itself, the tobacco mosaic virus can affect plants in a smoker's household. The virus can survive at least 50 years in dried plant material, making any tobacco product a potential carrier. Infected plants display a mottled pattern of discoloration and blemishes in leaf and fruit--the "mosaic" from which the virus gets its name.

There's no treatment, only prevention. If you smoke, don't do so while handling plants or tools for plant care. Wash your hands thoroughly after smoking. And, should your plants display signs of infection, get rid of them and any plants adjacent to them.
Yes I hate tobacco/cigarette manufacturers! Killed my: father, wife, mother and sister. Seems it can kill your crop. Makes me wonder about using nicotine as a pestiside? We are all going to die someday just do not want Saint Peter: Why are you here 10 years early?