How to mantain a Mother


Well-Known Member
How to maintain a Mother

Ok here is my questions:
I have a G13 Diesel and managed to get a clone off her and am wondering what is the best way is to keep the clone as a mother plant.

I grow only hydro, so the clone is in a little hydro tank for now but eventually can go into a 5 gallon bucket or should I put it in soil?
I don't know if keeping a mother would be better in soil or should it stay in hydro? I never grew in soil before so...

How much light does it need to stay in veg and never flower? How much and how long should it stay on?

How long can a mother grow and never go to flower?

Anything else I need to know to maintain it in veg?

Thanks for any help!

strain stalker

New Member
...get you some high quality soil. I use Fax Farms Ocean Forest. You only need to water with ph balanced/ declorinized h2o for a month or so.....then you only need to add guanos (high N) and molessas. You can keep a mother forever like this. Guano/molessas once every other week...

...when you transplant into bigger pots as the plant grows bigger, transplant into the same FFOF, but you shold start the guanos/molessas 2 weeks after each transplant.