How to Make Tincture Oil


New Member
when your done with the process there is no iso left it all evaporates the remaining water is the toxic part. notice I used 91% so 9% water by volume is left that water needs to be dumped out. or wicked away carefully with a paper towel. when smoked in an oil pipe there is very little difference than bho made with 5x filtered butane. the only difference is the solvent leaches chlorophyll out of the plant material turning it dark green instead of amber. everclear will work but you need as close to 200 proof as possible because that has water in it also.


New Member
I cant stress enough that you need to follow the directions to the letter do not blend the oil with the remaining water and do not use any iso lower than 91%. I find that using a fan instead of a rice cooker may take longer but it makes collecting the oil in the end as easy as wiping your finger on the bowl.


everclear or vegetable glycerine in a crock pot. check.

has anyone ever just put their buds into a crock pot with oil? read somewhere that it works well, and sounds a lot simpler/safer.


Well-Known Member
After you see the small bubbles and a darker color its done DO NOT OVER COOK.This tincture can be strained through the nylon once more to eliminate any oils that do not infuse although potency may decrease a bit. This is very strong stuff and I do not recommend taking more than one teaspoon at a time. 3.5 oz = 21 teaspoons or 21 doses. Dont be the first guy to die from thc.
I thought I died once from smoking too much BHO but I was actually just so high I forgot how to open my eyes.