How to make Cannabis sex lube?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
haha that's the only time ive ever thought lube was necessary...I think the girl in this situation would catch more of a buzz.


Well-Known Member
I made some Cannabis Salve and I gotta say that every time I rub my GF or Vice Versa its almost immediately time to get down. However we don't put it on our private parts because I am not sure what, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, thc, coconut oil and bees wax would do to the inside of a vagina.

Also, I can't really say that it is the lotion that makes you horny vs. the oil massage.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO what ever happend to the good ol' hotbox car action.
make a tincture Infuse your thc with coconut oil and mix it in your
Ky jelly.