How to lace weed with opium


Well-Known Member
I haven't got a chemistry degree. (prob blow something up. lol. I know you can use lime then ammonia) I know you can refine the tar opium and make morphine but that is slightly addictive. lol. Sorry if I was getting annoyed but I was just looking for an answer. Can I heat the opium and thin it out using a form of oil then soak the buds in it?
The normal method is to use a combination of water and your selected choice of drug and then soak the bud, let it dry and then it should have absorbed the chemical inside. The problem with oil is that it wont absorb into marijuana like water, so I think the result would it being just stuck on the outside, looking all weird and shit. You can try it, I never applied oil to my cannabis so I'm not sure what the result would be.

It being tar opium and all I would just as well sell along side the weed and they can put it in their blunts, but I get the need for the weed to be something special. If you are going to try thinning it into an oil tell me how it turns out?


Well-Known Member
Google thai stick and look at wiki

"rumored" to contain opium. i.e. propaganda from the war on drugs.

you dont lace your weed, weed is fine by itself for sale, just the same as opium is. chances are the opium you have available to you is doodoo anyways.

actually, the more i think about it, the more stupid i realize you are. you are not considering that opium can make someone OD easily enough, and you could end up with a serious case on your hands.


Well-Known Member

"rumored" to contain opium. i.e. propaganda from the war on drugs.

you dont lace your weed, weed is fine by itself for sale, just the same as opium is. chances are the opium you have available to you is doodoo anyways.

actually, the more i think about it, the more stupid i realize you are. you are not considering that opium can make someone OD easily enough, and you could end up with a serious case on your hands.
I would tell the customer what it is. So what your saying is that every coke, ecstasy and in fact most substance dealers are stupid because you can OD on most things. Go and take your face for a shite.


Well-Known Member
the only method of mixing opium into buds i have ever heard of takes advantage of the opiums workability before it dries when freshly harvested...

and wikipedia is not really the most reliable source of information...

and i hope you were joking about morphine being slightly addictive.. it being the unchallenged champ in that area. (making opium also powerfully addictive)

for someone so sure about processes of thaiwanese pot processing that havent been commercially viable for thirty years its seems like you dont know jack shit about everyday drugs?


Well-Known Member
Thai stick contants weed, NO opium or OTHER drugs.
The story of Thai sticks containing opium is a bit of an urban myth.
It may have been done ... but it's a rumour and the Normal Thai stick is NOT laced with ANYTHING
i spent 2 years in thailand and traveled from one end to the other getting high all the way. i'm so sick of the thai stick dipped in opium nonsense. although i'm sure somebody has tried it the chances of someone smuggling something like that to the states when they could make 10x the money smuggling heroin is slim. what's the point?

i believe that this rumor got started because when people started bringing back thai, the americans who at best had smoked some good columbian or mexican couldn't believe how fucked up they got. i had been smoking for 6 years before my first thai and it knocked me on my ass and made my eyes blood red.


Well-Known Member
really what i would do, make that opium info a fine, keif like powder, and mix it with a QP or something in a freezer bag, and continually shake it while keeping it cool. the goal should be to integrate the opium into making it look like weed resin.


how about paregoric? a tincture of opium,
nothing wrong with mixing two beautiful plants
i'm heavily addicted to both mj and o,
have been most of my life, it's my fault, i'm weak,
the plants didn't do a fucking thing.
and yeah, this thread blows like a popcorn fart
on a hot summer day. i gotta check out this meth tree.


Well-Known Member
Lace only means to ADD. =/ You can have a LACED Blunt, with cocaine in it..> You can also have a Laced Cig thats been DIPPED in PCP.. If you dont know HOW TO LACE OPIUM AND MJ, you SHOULDNT BE DOING EITHER MOOB.


i agree you can easily kill someone or yourself in an overdose, opiates are not to be fucked with. devil shit


Active Member
Back in the 70's, I was at a party prior to the Pink Floyd concert. A friend offered me some weed that knocked me on my ass. Later, he told me it was laced with opium.

Don't know much about smack, but I'm guessing you want to dilute it by mixing it with alcohol and heating it up prior to "applying" it to your buds.

I would concur with the rest of the posts, that you really don't need to lace your weed with opium. The stuff today is so fucking potent, I don't see the point in adding anything to make it more so.

Plus, even small amounts can get you addicted, which could easily lead to using more and more.


Well-Known Member
hahahahahah plant? its prolly not that hard but its extremely toxic and dangerous and addictive.....and its about 10 years for a manufacturing charge
no no meths not hard to grow at all. can i interest you in some meth seeds? or perhaps this deed to the golden gate bridge i have lying around? ;)

@brainwarp; i kinda assumed this kid had some serious mersh, i dont think anybody would risk fucking up any decent nugs. but people never cease to amaze me.


Well-Known Member
Create a tincture of the opium like you would with MJ. Them put a few drops on the weed. Make sure all of the alcohol is evaporated before you try to smoke any or you might get a little burn.
After reading this i feel a little more sad about how ignorant some people are. hes lucky im not an admin. id rule with an iron fist and kick him just onprincip;e. im high.