How to harvest/pick seeds from bud?


Lets say you pollinated a female. Harvest time comes and you dry all the bud. How would you pick out the seeds from the bud? Any type of method(s)?

Quick Side question: How do you know if a female is pollinated or not?:neutral:

Thank you :hump:


If she's pollinated, she will have seeds. That's why you don't let them get pollinated, so they don't produce seeds and the THC levels are higher in the buds.


Well-Known Member
just let the bud dry, if the seeds are properly matured they should fall out pretty easy as the bud dries
at least for small buds, you usually don't want too many seeds, just pollinate a small side bud, plenty of seeds for most needs


Active Member
when yer drying leave a long stalk on the bud... then when its really dry take it to a long table and tap the stalk in the middle, dont hit the bud... just the middle of stalk, like a drum stick and the seeds will fall onto table.


Oh, so you can pollinate just a certain place on the plant. If my friend pollinated just a certain place where the bud is being produced (lets say it ends up being about 15 grams worth), how many seeds will he get? Im sorry if I dont make sense im still kinda a noob :)


Well-Known Member
^^^ it's called the paintbrush method, get a tiny paintbrush(like for painting models), touch the tip of the brush to some male pollen then paint a small side bud with the brush
i got 8 seeds from my last try, plenty for my needs, and minimal cost in bud
you must separate the male plants from the females, well separated or you will get a fully seeded crop, which would be 1/10 the weight of bud you get unseeded(or thereabouts, you will lose a lot)


Okay, for the pollen, how long can it be kept? I heard your sopos to collect it from the male (the pollen sacks), then crush them. Also does pollen have to be harvested at a certain time, or whenever the pollen sacks are visible. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
i just did a cross with freeze dried pollen, about 3 months old so i can vouch for 3 months being possible
i do see credible posts that say you can store viable pollen 2 years easy, maybe longer
here's my collection method, it's just gathered from various stickies
you don't have to crush the pollen sack, though i suppose you could
i just hold a small piece of paper underneath and tap lightly, pollen will drop on paper easily if the pollen sack is ripe
into a small pill bottle i put a inch deep bed of uncooked rice, i place the paper on top, then seal
let it stay at room temps for a day or so, the rice and paper will absorb the pollen moisture, moisture is what deteriorates pollen
pop into freezer, should keep years from my reading, but i haven't got that far yet


Well-Known Member
When I was pollinating I would put a plastic bag around a male - give it a shake.

Then put that bag around one branch of a female - shake, hold the bag in place with a rubber band for a few days.

Result - just ONE pollinated branch with about 200 seeds.

I only ever kept one male, kept him in a small pot so he stayed small, and kept him well awy from the females. After pollinating he went for compost.