How to grow weed in your room woth out anyone knowing

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Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
Wut is your projected yeild with all your pistols? You should probably go bigger with your grow! greminate some more seeds and put more boxes in your room then you can grow commercially in your parents house!

Iunno wut the plant yeild?Prolly a couple joints LOL.But everyone on here pretty much told me to flower right away cuz of my space restriction.So once it was about 3 inches(like a lil more then a week and a half ago)i decided to flower it.

Now its about 5 1/2 inches tall.It has bunch of hairs on the top that are turning reddish orange.And a set of pistols on each set of nodes.Little flowering branches are starting to appear just now.

I'm wondering if i flowered to soon?:-?I think wut i should have done was wut i did with my last plant(turned out to be male).Veg it way longer with LST to fit in my space.Till its about 10 inches tall and then flower.

Ill have post pix asap to show u guy wut im talking about


Well-Known Member
hey man good luck and hats off on trying to grow and put forth what you have learned. just give you something to appreciate later on when you fine tune your craft and get your own place. I'm a noob too, and just thought i would drop in throw some prop:-)

MY 1st closet grow

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
yea man nice box.Next time i want a box about this size but vertical standing not horizontal.And this time i plan on using an aero garden and a changable 400 watt MH/HPS housed in a cool tube.

And the box im using now will be my clone and seedling starter box.I plan on bluilding a DWC bubbler on a very small scale to fit in my box im using now


Well-Known Member
1 - Don't tell no one
2 - keep the grow small
3 - use carbon filters
4 - use CFL
5 - use small fans
Well, not to spark an argument, but I for sure wouldn't agree with #4. You get better yeilds with the same power consumption and same heat issues with small HPS bulbs. Like a 70 watt or so. At least what I have noticed.

And #5 is questionable. Use as small of a fan as is necisary, for sure, don't go overboard, but you would be better off using one larger fan than using three small fans. Air exchange is better.

The rest of it is dead on though. But this is all just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
ask a baker how to bake the best cake and you will get one way, ask another and you will get a different way.... my point is if you love to grow do it with an open mind, and keep realistic expectations based on your current situation. learn from your mistakes and find what works for you, in the end I figure your only gonna get really good at it or find its not for you. just take the calculated risks and leave emotions out of it. I'm NEW but Thats my opinion and approach to this growing game anyway.

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
Well said man.

And i think the 1st part of wut u where saying is SO IMPORTANT,but yet most ppl miss that or dont understand it.There definatly is know set way of doing things when it comes to growing,and many ppl would argue that till the day they die.

and im finding that this is something im getting better at the more i do it.

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
Well, not to spark an argument, but I for sure wouldn't agree with #4. You get better yeilds with the same power consumption and same heat issues with small HPS bulbs. Like a 70 watt or so. At least what I have noticed.

And #5 is questionable. Use as small of a fan as is necisary, for sure, don't go overboard, but you would be better off using one larger fan than using three small fans. Air exchange is better.

The rest of it is dead on though. But this is all just my two cents.

Yea,i may change my cfl's to a 70 watt hps in the near future.I'm using two 80cfm fans.One for intake (that runs with the light cycle being on)and one for exhaust (that runs all the time)

I probably really over did it for the venting system,but hey.

This is wut i was thinking for my next cab:

The dimensions of the first cab are 28x60x18

and the second is 12x32x12

I would like to find a cab big enough to run a 400watt hps.I understand i will probably have to use a cool tube due to heat issues in a space like this.I also plan on using an aero garden in this cab for faster a better results.


Well-Known Member
is your 12x32x12 in inches? if so that's rather small. I personally am not a fan of micro grows, it seems like the problems out weigh the rewards. Small grows are fine, but micro just doesn't seem worth it, but that's to me.

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
yea its in inches.

You dont think that bigger cab would work.I think a cab that 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep and 6 feet tall should be fine....rite?

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
nice :)

a cab that size,a 400watt interchagable mh/hps and a areo garden.big squaril cage fan for exhaust and im good to go

oh yea and of course a good set of hydro nutes this time

And my lil box im using now will be cloner box.I'm gunna build a really small DWC in there
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