How to grow in a limited space????


Active Member
Im a new grower and i thought i was doing just fine. But i think my plant is going to outgrow its box!!Its about a week into flowering (still no sex signs). in the future how do i prevent this from happening??? What did i do wrong???

im not worried about the yeild im more concerned about keeping this as stealth as possible. (got roommates)

Looking for tips i could use i know im not the only one to have this issue!!!



Well-Known Member
Look into LST (low stress training) this will help with keeping the growth under control and where you want it to be.
For your plant now just "top it" to get your space back, remember that some strains can double in size during flowering.


Well-Known Member
I made the same mistake as you, I left my plants un-topped and they started to stretch ALOT during flower. Un-topped plants don't grow very well in confined space, they do best outdoors. Most indoor growers top their plants 3 or more times during the veg stage to keep the plant short and bushy and create more bud sites. Since it's too late to top my only suggestion is to tie the main stalk down a little, it will help the lower branches recieve more light. Since you said its already a week into flower the stretch should stop pretty soon.


Active Member
ok thanks although im a week into flowering can i still top this plant off???
And how soon can i start topping a plant.... for my next grow.


Well-Known Member
i think its too late to top now, the plant will start flowering soon if it's not already and you want it to focus on bud growth not healing wounds. You should top your plants when they are young and in veg stage, most growers top at about the 3rd or 4th set of leaves, then again after it heals.

I prefer LST training over topping, it helps the lower branches get more light and the plant will naturally start to bush out.


Active Member
ok what about LST??? ive read about it and from what i understand all i have to do is tie the main stalk down and that will help keep the plant small too does any1 know about that??


Active Member
ok ima have to try that on my next grow... as for this plant i know i cant top it at this point because im flowering already how should i tie it down?? or what should i do to keep the plant from outgrowing the box


Well-Known Member
If you have run out of room just top her. Its not ideal when flowering but can still be done, dont think you have much choice. Make allowances for the toping and think it may take a week longer than expected to mature.