How to get the most from my trim??


Hi guys i was wondering what would be the best thing i can do with my trim regarding quantity and an easy and cheap means of extraction?? Any input would be much appreciated.thanks


Well-Known Member
Alcohol extraction is pretty easy. Get 99% isopropyl alcohol at a drug store, might have to shop around for a store that carries it, extract the trimmings without any grinding, to avoid green leaf oil. chill it for a day if you're not in a hurry, to make the wax precipitate. Filter it through a coffee filter (wet the filter with plain alcohol first so it won't absorb as much of the oil extract) and let it evaporate in a glass plate or baking thing, something with a smooth bottom to make scraping easy.

There may be a bit of water left after the alcohol dries, from condensation from the air. You just tilt the plate/baking pan up and let it run off if there's enough to run. Smaller puddles can be wicked up by touching it with the tip of some twisted up paper towel that is wet on the end. Since it's wet, it will just wick up the water and very little oil will stick to it. Then either heat it enough to dry the remaining water or let it dry at room temp for as long as it takes. You'll know it's dry when it gets thick.