how to get bigger colas?


Well-Known Member
i had to look this one up to be sure that the moron part was necessary LOL

"In many cases the IQ of a person with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy may be normal"

i think ill raise you, ill take your moronic spastic and raise it to

GrowUrOwnDank is an imbecilic spastic diplegia cerebral palsy with aids
haha love ya champ


Well-Known Member
lol. and I'm the loser? haha, what an incredible waste of electricity (and its .25 grams a watt ya fucking moronic spastic) :wall:
Like I said. You are not capable of understanding what you read. Sheesh. You are a boring waste of time wet noodle arms. But, on the bright side, you seem to muster up the low IQers so.... We know. Time to go start enjoying the day. And leave wet noodle arms to his life of posting on the RIU, thinking growing weed is some kind of big deal. Bet yo momma is stupid too. Turned your little titty baby bitch ass and she is proud of whatever you do, no one else can do. Cause your little noodle arm dude. But, she still loves ya. You're special fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Like I said. You are not capable of understanding what you read. Sheesh. You are a boring waste of time wet noodle arms. But, on the bright side, you seem to muster up the low IQers so.... We know. Time to go start enjoying the day. And leave wet noodle arms to his life of posting on the RIU, thinking growing weed is some kind of big deal. Bet yo momma is stupid too. Turned your little titty baby bitch ass and she is proud of whatever you do, no one else can do. Cause your little noodle arm dude. But, she still loves ya. You're special fuck up.
haha someone is angry angry angry lol (small cock)


Well-Known Member
Fuck off loser. Even if you could read you are incapable of understanding any of the material.

On topic. I personally don't "try" to get bigger colas. I simply start out with good seeds, decent light, hempy buckets and Lucas formula. This ain't rocket science. I figured it up last night and I grow for about .25 to .50 a gram. I want small fast plants and love autos for this reason, but will do photos going 12/12 with no more than a 2 week veg. Weed is so easy to grow its pathetic and takes very little effort when you have dialed everything in and just give the plants what it needs. Key statement. Give the plant what it needs to grow itself. I think that's why most peeps fuck up there plants.

Another thing. I have noticed in the past, that even seeds from the same pack from even great breeders like Dinafem or WOS sometimes give different results. Critical Jack didn't yield very well for me, but the smoke was over the top. Different people will have different growing styles. Since I am a light smoker an O of top shelf will last me for a long time. I would rather have an O of Dinafem Critical Jack or Amnesia or WOS Afghan Kush than a pound of brick weed. Never mind, make that 10 pounds of brick seedy crap. I don't want that at all.

Those involved in the commerce will probably feel differently, but it's about the quality for some of us.
who the fuck works out cost per gram lol, all I know is spent about 3k on equipment, about $100 extra on the power bills and made about 15 times that in the last two years.
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