How to dry my harvest


I'm about a week away from my harvest and growing outside because I live with my parents. I have no idea how I can dry out my harvest because I can't dry inside my parents house. They are completly against pot. Does anybody know a way I can dry outside?


Active Member
you could probably do it outside hanging branches or whole plants on tree branches.
but there are ways to dry it indoors, but smell might be a issue


Active Member
if its not extremely humid, hang dry them on some string outside. as long as the weather isn't windy and wet, should work just fine.


Well-Known Member
Your growing outside and you are harvesting in a week? Not sure what strain you R running but it seems a bit early.


Well-Known Member
I got your remedy, a shoe box and newspaper, some tape or a stapler. Make a pouch to fit a shoe box from newspaper, layer buds and paper between the bud in the pouch.Follow me? Put in a shed or a safe place, in 3-4 days you can jar it or move it to cure fully.


Well-Known Member
it isnt too early for an autoflowering strain...ive got one finishing in a week as well.yeah go with the shoebox method.just leave it in a dark place if you want choice budz


I'm about a week away from my harvest and growing outside because I live with my parents. I have no idea how I can dry out my harvest because I can't dry inside my parents house. They are completly against pot. Does anybody know a way I can dry outside?

Good luck pal


Thabks or the help, but wouldnt light be a problem when hanging from a tree? And yes it is an autoflowering strain


Active Member
If you leave all the leaves on the plant and hang it upsidedown the buds will be protected by the leaves, and will dry slower which will make the end product better quality. I have hung plants in a growroom with lights on and I couldnt see or tell of any trichstromes degrading.