How to cool a non vented reflector?

hi everyone. Im a legal patient and I have a 2x4x5 tent and a 400w light that came with a standard, non-vented relfector. I got it off amazon for $125 and it said it was air cooled, which I do not know what that means. But it does not have a hooded reflector or a tube reflector, its just a standard winged reflector with no places to add attachements or ducting. My babies need to go into flowering like ASAP and i need to know how I am supposed to keep my tent cool, or what kind of vent/cooling system i am going to use figuring there is nowhere to add attachements or ducting to the actual light itself. The tent has 3 4 inch holes to put fans but I dont understand how that will keep my bulb cooled and tent at a decent temp. The tent will be inside a walkin closent inside my bedroom, i live in a one bedroom apartment.bongsmilie

Any input will help and is much appreciated!!