How to add 2nd air cool light into grow tent for flower to point vertical? + PICS


Active Member
Well, basically I'm trying to figure out the best way to add a 2nd grow light into my tent for flower!! I want to flower my 5 plants (in 3g pots). See pics.....

My current setup is a 400w CMH air cooled in a DR150 grow tent (5' x 5'). It is all powered by a 450CFM speed controlled fan. I want to add a 2nd 600w HPS into the same duct line of my tent. So I was thinking to tilt each light in such a way so they both hit my 5 plants...does that make sense? Would that setup work? Example: In my current pics, I would just keep the left side of light at the current distance but raise the right side of light up maybe 8-12inches so that it points vertically at the plants... THEN on the other side of plants, I would put the 600w HPS to point vertically from the right side. The ducting would run in one line and I would affix the 2nd light using yoyo's also

Would this work?

