how soon do you start using nutes?


Active Member
my clones are 12 days old now <from being cut off mother> and looking good as hell. i gave them fox farm nutes today at a quarter of the strength. so my question is how soon is too soon?


Well-Known Member
I pre soak my initial soil in bat guano tea. I guess that is feeding from day 1 and I haven't had problems. Just make sure you feed only at very low levels. Your soil should be taken into consideration as well (find where is lists the n-p-k of the soil).


Active Member
what I do is use a very small amount of nutes (usually start with 1 ml) and add more each time til I reach the perfect amount :mrgreen: goodluck


Active Member
they are in fox farm happy frog soil i have no idea what the npk is i already got rid of the bag.