How should i germ?

how should i germ, ive got 3 methods already in progress.
1. in soil about 1cm down with a layer of soil on top,
2. in between 2 wet folded 2 times paper towels
3. in half cup of water with couple drops of hydrogen peroxide

any problems?

any response will be aweseom

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
paper towels for sure. I use 4 paper towels just so i wont have to wet them agian and risk any disturbance. in a 6x6 square place 9 to 12 seeds. wet thouroughly and let some of the run off do its thing. i place them in a baggy, get all the air out, fold neatly and, put them in a dark place thats stays about 70 or 75 F, and forget them for about a week. Or you clould just place the cloths in a plate but you may have to re-wet after a few days. once you see white tips, put them in your medium.


Well-Known Member
they are all good , i personally wouldnt let me seeds sit in a cup of water 24/7 unless they were bagseed. the papper towel method lets u know which seeds are germinating and the soil doesnt , so u could be wasting your time wating on a seed that wont sprout.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
What I do is put the seeds inside a little box with a nail file. Then I shake it. Then I soak them in a shotglass for 1 day. Then I put them in a paper towel, 100% germination rate on obviously healthy seeds.