How old is this plant and how does it look?


Active Member
Alright, so yesterday me and a few buddies were going in the woods to find a good spot to smoke at. Its every stoners dream to just find a plant out in the woods, so I was walking and just happened to see this plant. I removed it from the ground, made sure as many roots as possible were still with it, and drove home as fast as I could. I have it in a small pot for now, and may be moving it outside to grow as I have an acre of land 10 feet from my backyard thats all mine.

Well, if you have any tips I would appreciate them.


The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
firstly if you found this plant in the woods you should have left it where it was. It is people such as yourself that force fellow RIU members to start "marijuana thief" threads. If you want marijuana, grow it yourself. Please do not rob others that have the motivation to do so themselves.

Alternatively, you may have put the plant through alot of stress grabbing it out of the ground and it may not continue to grow. Water generously once a week and make sure it gets a good deal of sun.


Well-Known Member
Looks about 30 - 40 days.....cut it in half and count the ring's.....hee hee..............
Wait till you've put it in ground and grown it for a summer then when you go to cut
it you'll.......................HEY WERE'S MY FUCKING PLANT......FUCKING THIEVES.......
seeing a theme ????????????????? :o



Active Member
come on man thats some1s child... plus you prob messed up the roots when you transplanted it... it might go into shock


Well-Known Member
Please smoke....join the growers her at RIU....the operative word being growers..........not stealer's.....Man you've got what most would kill for...............
land..take advantage grasshopper or in this case pothopper..


Active Member
dude, highly uncool man. like ECLdazed said man, thats someones child. I know i just started growing........ MY OWN ...........and if someone just came along and took it, not only would i become like super investigator...but it would hurt deep down man, **tear** i love my babies. and with all that land, if you cant afford to buy seeds, i guaruntee just pop some bagseeds in a nice sunny spot of that 10 acres, maybe add some better soil.....but just dont steal, the kharma is gonna fuck up the plant. bad form bro.


Well-Known Member
Really...Man all that land I'd LST and put one behind every rock or what ever I could find..........Thats just wrong I'm doing 10 plants in a gopher hole and dude has acres..........some peeps have all the luck...........


Well-Known Member
By the same token, what kind of grower grows where others can "stumble" upon it? I mean, if someone comes on your property and takes anything, that's bad, but happening upon something in the publics domain . . . well, I certainly don't think anyone's karma has been compromised. SOMEONE was destined to discover the weed.
I can't believe trentisgod was able to think quickly and clearly enough to actually attempt to capture and nurture what very well may be total bunk. Could've been a discarded seed but actually appears the plant was getting enough light, so may have been someone's effort.


Well-Known Member
Its every stoners dream to just find a plant out in the woods, so I was walking and just happened to see this plant. I removed it from the ground, made sure as many roots as possible were still with it, and drove home as fast as I could.

you better of drove home real quick... I am growing out side this year, and if i catch someone stealing my plants you may be driving quick, but you wont be heading home...

I still cant believe people actually think if they tell us "i found a plant in the woods" that we will be happy to help, how would you like it if that was your plant and you took care of it, fed it, took care of it and basically raised it, to go to check to make sure it is still doing good, there aren't any health problems, bugs or crap like that, and some punk stole it?


Well-Known Member
It's probably that if THEY smoke there....someone ELSE little johnny apple...oopppps..... johnny pot seed....or from a roach............



Well-Known Member
What Luck Lol im guessing your in the usa coz i got no chance of finding one out side lol NICE MAN
I'm near farmland......they do grow a lot in this area. One year we found the remains of a gro......We were following a trail coming back from shore fishing, when what did my reefer radar detect........pot, you could smell it. So we investigated. We found the remains of their harvest...cut plants everywhere....lots with the smaller buds left waste not want not......shit we got about 3oz's...............wasn't bad either.....woo hoo


Active Member
haha you guys are so negative, he found a pot plant growing in the woods - be happy for him!

So if i leave my money on the floor next to a busy building and someone takes it, is it wrong? - If you leave a plant in public domain you accept the risk of someone possibly finding it..

Danny Eire

Active Member
haha you guys are so negative, he found a pot plant growing in the woods - be happy for him!

So if i leave my money on the floor next to a busy building and someone takes it, is it wrong? - If you leave a plant in public domain you accept the risk of someone possibly finding it..

very true. i agree. its all about -->:peace:, stop hatin

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
it looks like its been topped too or its a clone by the way that its growing, so its definitly not there by accident or stroke of luck. Boo man Boo