How often to water


Active Member
Does watering have to be done consistantly, or just water when they need it? and do I use my ferts/nutes with each watering?

(mix: FF Grow Big, FF Big Bloom, PH Down, Super Thrive, Nitrex)


Well-Known Member
havent used FF so dunno about the watering every time with it or not.. but as for watering in general , its basically every 2-3 days or as needed, if the soil is way wet, wait some more, if its way dry, water more. Depends on your soil mixture, for drainage reasons , etc.


Well-Known Member
you should water when your soil is crusty dry, let the top of your soil get real crusty

^ to keep from over watering

also, rather than the looks of it, you can pick your pot up to check, if it needs watering
& if the weight is really light, you know, your plant is in need of some watering
as for the fert & nutes, you should give it to your plant, every other watering

^ if that's wrong, i'm sure, someone else, would gladly explain it, better to you

good luck