How often should I change my screen?


Active Member
Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking this, but I didn't really know where to post it. I've recently moved to pulling bongs instead of shotties and have no idea how often I should change the screen? Using a fresh one for every hit seems ridiculous. DO you HAVE to use screens? If you don't need them, what's the difference between using one and not using one? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Never used a screen in my life. Only downside i can think of is that you get the odd bit of weed sucked into the water, but as a grower with typically more jarred up than i can smoke, it was never an issue, as a buyer, that would annoy me a bit.

as to changing it, i'd have thought you simply change it once it starts to effect the experience of hitting the bong, that is to say you have to start sucking harder, or it starts to taste a bit off etc, but as i say, i've not actually used screens myself.


Well-Known Member
Joints usually. Blunts to treat myself or before bed. I have wood/metal pipes as well.

I'n on a girls only pot forum and they admitted to me they only like glass (they all have a MASSIVE spoon collection) is because It's pretty and they can't roll. Most of them don't even know what they're smoking but it's easy to get your shit and just stick it in there...

Whoops, nothing wrong with glass I guess, maybe I'll pick some up when I buy T-Burd some seeds.


Active Member
Never used a screen in my life. Only downside i can think of is that you get the odd bit of weed sucked into the water, but as a grower with typically more jarred up than i can smoke, it was never an issue, as a buyer, that would annoy me a bit.

as to changing it, i'd have thought you simply change it once it starts to effect the experience of hitting the bong, that is to say you have to start sucking harder, or it starts to taste a bit off etc, but as i say, i've not actually used screens myself.
Thanks man, sadly, I'm a buyer and am low on cash a lot of the time so conservation is key for me :P


Ursus marijanus
I use my screens until they fail. When one gets hopelessly clogged with ash, I use a propane torch to fuse some sodium carbonate (pool pH-up) in it, then soak the glassy residue away in a glass of water. cn.


Well-Known Member
you can let the screens soak in rubbing alcohol and clean them...or you can just buy a few thousand I would change mine out when taking it and scraping and tapping doesn't get all the ash cleared out, or when it looks like it is burning I throw it out and get a new one...and without a screen you can't use a bong to smoke any small kief, no shake...with a screen fine...


Well-Known Member
I don't use screen in my bong unless im tokin' up some keif !

as far as when to change it... i'd say when it gets brittle and easily rips in you fingers


Well-Known Member
If you smoke daily, you should probably replace the screen every week if you want big, nice tasting hits.


Well-Known Member
screens make a bong hit taste dirty. I never use screens in my bong bowl, as long as your weed is not powder, there shouldn't be a problem with not using a screen.


Well-Known Member
you can let the screens soak in rubbing alcohol and clean them...or you can just buy a few thousand I would change mine out when taking it and scraping and tapping doesn't get all the ash cleared out, or when it looks like it is burning I throw it out and get a new one...and without a screen you can't use a bong to smoke any small kief, no shake...with a screen fine...
ive smoke Massive amounts of keif in my screened bong...

ashing it up before you put the keif in is the trick


Active Member
Common sense would dictate that if you can't pull a hit thru it then maybe it's time to clean the little cocksucker. But that's just me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i like to clean or change mine when i can visibly see that there are several clogged bits on it, regardless of whether i can pull a hit.

i only use screens in certain pieces that are shaped funny or have crevices that clog easily.

i also recommend the silver screens as opposed to the bronzey ones. the bronzey ones don't last very long and rip when you scrape 'em.

i clean mine with alcohol and a toothpick. soak, scrape, set on fire, scrape, repeat.


Well-Known Member
i use mine till they fail

when they are clogged i just hold them in the flame for a few moments (till they stop burning)

and then jiggle them slowly and carefully till the ash falls off


Well-Known Member
I mostly use a bong, and no screen. I like to burn what's in the bowl, and at the end I suck it all down into the water and let go of the hole. Just empty the water when it starts getting rank.

Otherwise common sense would indicate you would change the screen when it gets hard to suck thru it