How often do you clean your pieces?


Well-Known Member
Haha ^
Sometimes my pieces get pretty manky when I don't clean them for ages. The tar starts to bubble and shit when you heat it up and its just messed in general haha.


Well-Known Member
I have a piece for oil, a piece for pressed dry sieve, 2 other glass pipes and 2 bongs that get their own strains. These only get cleaned whenever the strain changes.


Active Member
I change the water at least daily or twice a day in my bong depending how much I'm smoking. My usage varies from a 2 grams to 4 grams a day, sometimes less if I'm using my volcano. I pour it out before I go to sleep at night. I think if I take so much time to try and grow my own meds and get clean stuff from the dispensaries then... why not take the same care with my pieces?

I clean pipes and other glass pieces before I put them away. They mostly only come out when company is over, so, they get a nice rinsing to make sure they're free of dust before we use them too.

The volcano I clean when I see the honey oil building up inside the bowl piece and it's hard to get the screen down into the piece. I then smoke all the honey oil out of my really clean pieces.


Active Member
I change the water every few bowl and I clean it every couple days. My piece is all clear with no fuming so I like to keep it looking new and clean.
I use salt/iso to get it clean then I soak it in Oxyclean and hot water for about an hour to finish it off. The Oxyclean does a good job of getting any left over yellowing or residue that the salt/iso seems to leave.


Well-Known Member
i clean all 6 bongs every sunday, and usualy once during the week. but the sunday cleaning has been my routine for years now. althought im always high, i dont smoke no 3-5 grams a day, so nothing gets to dirty. i smoke about a gram a day-ish. about 5 grams a week actually. NO SHWAG. ill go without before smoking that shit. and absolutely no offense towards anyone that does. i live in a non MMJ state, but have dealt with severe chronic back pain now for 8 years due to a rather serious car accident and then a follow up spinal surgery after they discovered a tumor on my spine, i self medicate for the pain, but that also means i have to be kinda picky about the type/strain of pot i smoke and who i get it from, ect. that and i work 53 hours a week so that cuts out what used to be my main smoking times with all the friends and shit. now id rather come home from work, load a bowl and burn it before i shower then enjoy another one cooking dinner and usual a few rips through out the night before bed...then repeat

oh and my water is changed before every session

match box

Well-Known Member
I clean my pipes every few weeks. Most of the time when it's hard to draw on them. It looks like I should be doing it more often.


Well-Known Member
I drive 2 hours a day for work, and have 8 different dry pipes for the road. Starting with them all clean, I switch one out every week or so, and when all 8 are dirty I clean them all. So maybe only once every two or three months for the car pipes. My concentrate rigs get cleaned about once a week.


Well-Known Member
change my water 3 times a week and run grung off once every 2 weeks. stays pretty clean depending on how heavy i smoke that week,