how my 4 week plant look


Well-Known Member
It looks like it's in at least a 5 gl pot. It's small right now because it's been spending it's time growing out the roots. Leave it alone now until it's sexed. Don't need any unecessary stress right now. Looks like it could use some more sunlight if possible. Make sure to water on the very edges of the pot. Make em" work for the food. Good luck!


Active Member
It looks like it's in at least a 5 gl pot. It's small right now because it's been spending it's time growing out the roots. Leave it alone now until it's sexed. Don't need any unecessary stress right now. Looks like it could use some more sunlight if possible. Make sure to water on the very edges of the pot. Make em" work for the food. Good luck!
Heck yes! I would give her time to fill the pot out before transplanting and make her work for her food! When you water the outsides of the pot as zack66 suggested it forces her roots to stretch out in search of water resulting in a stronger root system. Putting her in the ground can be suitable depending on where you live, do some research as to what your "ground" is made of out here is AZ it's all clay therefore not ideal for growing cannabis.

A note on cloning, after she reveals her sex you should be able to clone I would wait 6 weeks regardless though.

Hope this helps! "she" looks great! keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Hey dude a couple things at first glance, unless you just watered it looks extremely wet, you should let it dry out a bit before giving it more, over-watering will stunt growth, other then that it looks pretty healthy. And as said a couple times before, make sure you take that other one out of there before it gets too big, it could cause issues for you later on down the road.


Well-Known Member
I want to put mine out too, but what if we get another hard freeze? I'm in GA and the weather has been seriously crazy lately.


Well-Known Member
I want to put mine out too, but what if we get another hard freeze? I'm in GA and the weather has been seriously crazy lately.
If the weather looks like it will turn towards a freeze, you could always cover her with a plastic garbage bag or a sheet to keep her from freezing.
All of us in the States should not have to worry about that soon, you would think. Crazy Ass weather.
Grow a tree for me Rosey and post pictures. I don't think I'll be able to this year. I'll have to stay indoors.
yea i want to put her in the grown too but its just that when i want her to go into flowering i cant move her inside but what you guys think i should do??

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I hard to say, if you are in the southern hemisphere then it would be becoming winter...or are you near the equator....or north of equator....I would only be guessing


Well-Known Member
If the weather looks like it will turn towards a freeze, you could always cover her with a plastic garbage bag or a sheet to keep her from freezing.
All of us in the States should not have to worry about that soon, you would think. Crazy Ass weather.
Grow a tree for me Rosey and post pictures. I don't think I'll be able to this year. I'll have to stay indoors.
Will do! I have two SD's that are going outside soon and they will surely be monsters! LOL