How Mushrooms Can Save the World


Well-Known Member
i watched it last night because i was bored at the parent's house, i knew it would be on and here.

it's bullshit, wishful thinking, mushrooms won't save our planet. paul stamets has a vested interest in mushrooms, no matter what reality is. "the man" pays paul good and he should stick to psychadelic propoganda.

clean water and nutrient requirements of mushroom cultivation are prohibitive, welcome to 1978.

algae has better potential because water and nutrients are reusable. see "batchwise vs continuous engineer principles", welcome to 1940.

thanks for the youtube, the iphone only plays youtube


Well-Known Member
It was interesting but I started drifting off as he spoke, about midway. I guess thinking about syncronizing the dj's drum and bass drop, with a good hit of ol' fashioned DMT at the club tonight, was more important.

Thank you for this though, when im not so baked I will re-watch.