How much nutes do I give the plants?


Active Member
I have 2 ferts one for flowering and one for vegging. My vegging fert is Miracid Acid-Loving Plant Food with an NPK value of 30-10-10. My flowering fert is Expert Gardenere All Purpose Plant Food with an NPK value of 15-30-15.

I have a few questions.
1) How much of each should I give the plants in their respective stages?
2) Are these good ferts to use or should I purchase different ones? (im worried about the flowering fert being too high in N and K)

and my last question

3) My grow has barely any smell to it at all... is this a bad sign that my bud is not going to be potent?

thanks for your time!


Well-Known Member
1. start about the 3rd week of veg, with 1/4 strength whatever the bottle says(if it needs more u'l be able to tell with puprling of the stems and yellowing of bottom leaves), it'll tell u intervals too but its usually every one to two weeks. I flower you'll want to nute more at about once a week (and again with flower start at a 1/4 and work up cause ur plant might freak.

2 sound good to me, there are more direct nute ratios but i'd say these are more important with hydroponics rather than soil.

3 give it time and love and she dont smell by the end of it. a. I'd be suprised and b. get a new strain
sometimes ill get buds that smell in tjhe 2nd to 3rd week of flower, and others that i don't love the smell all the way to the end, if ur looking for a particular smell it's probably gona take a while to find it, but u may get lucky and get it on ur first plant. who knows


Active Member
1. start about the 3rd week of veg, with 1/4 strength whatever the bottle says(if it needs more u'l be able to tell with puprling of the stems and yellowing of bottom leaves), it'll tell u intervals too but its usually every one to two weeks. I flower you'll want to nute more at about once a week (and again with flower start at a 1/4 and work up cause ur plant might freak.

2 sound good to me, there are more direct nute ratios but i'd say these are more important with hydroponics rather than soil.

3 give it time and love and she dont smell by the end of it. a. I'd be suprised and b. get a new strain
sometimes ill get buds that smell in tjhe 2nd to 3rd week of flower, and others that i don't love the smell all the way to the end, if ur looking for a particular smell it's probably gona take a while to find it, but u may get lucky and get it on ur first plant. who knows
thanks for the help! i definently am not giving my plants enough nutes then. i fed my plants maybe twice during veg and twice during flowering with very little. I will follow what you said for my next grow.

but i harvested one of my plants that looked ready (i didnt have a microscope but it has lots of red hairs, ide say about 75% red hairs) the plant is drying right now and when i try and smell one of the buds i get close to nothing, maybe even a grassy schwag like smell, kinda making me worry :-|


Well-Known Member
well too little is better thsan too much, currently i'm not nuting in veg at all (just rely on my coco mix to give it to em), and i think microscopes are overated (nice but not necesary) 75 % is usually what i go on or time like 8 weeks for an indica longer for sativa, but also the look and smell is a good determiniate, cause u can tell exactly how plump and mature they are u don't need the scope for that. As far as the swagg grassy smell don't worry, probably means u harvested a little early but with some curing those flavors will be brought out a shit load. just make sure uve dryed the buds enough before u throw them in the curing jars