How much MAM-2201 to herb ratio?


Well-Known Member
I want to know for a little research project I am doing that is going to make me very very rich, So please I cant find any info on this. Is it the same as AM 2201?

I want it to pack a punch in a hit or two just like the stuff at the store ;)

Guitar guy

Active Member
You don't have to lie to us... just tell us you want to smoke it and fuck up your brain

It is like am 2201. With am 2201 I believe I put a gram into a half ounce of herbs and it was pretty potent

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
why would you want to put this in or on weed? and if your gonna make alot of money it seems your gonna put this on weed and then sell it. that is a shitty thing to do. you shouldnt put anything on weed to sell to someone. that is just fucked up. just buy better weed.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Im gonna try a few things.. But no basically my accquantences havent discovered the internet yet, and are agreeing to buy 5 grams of spice from me for 40 dollars since that is cheaper than headshops here. A lot cheaper. And yes not gonna lie Ill probably smoke a lot of it. Its funny because 500mg which is roughly $23, could probably supply a whole 18 grams of spice. Now imagine. I pay $23 dollars, get 18 grams that I would normally pay $180 for at the headshops. Sell the 18 grams off to the people I know for about $120-$140.

Bank :p

I would never fuck with the good herb dude trust me hhahaa


Well-Known Member
A ton of people I know are beligerently addicted to the shit. Theres no hope for them honestly.. Ive told them theyve been taking this too far.. Spending all their money.. Now to them Im saving them their money, they dont know the difference.. Of course my friends I tell about the internet, but these people.... I need money and they need cheap spice basically


Well-Known Member
Help me be a better drug dealer 101?? WTF??
Here, two 'genius' ideas I have conjured up. Make this spice shit.

1) Order 10g of MAM 2201 offline
2) Acquire a little more than 10oz raw oregano.. Mint.. Something smokable preferrably not harmful too lungs.
3) Get these little designed baggies that the headshops have, there are special bags anyone who buys the shit has to know what I am talking about, and there has to be an online supplier of them, they all have a similiar design.
4) Go to your local headshop, tell the people that you garuntee that in a few months top that if they advertise this to their costumers that sales will EXPLODE.
5) Give them a cut like 10 - 30%
6) Sit back and laugh while you literally make thousands of dollars off drug addicts that you dont even know.


Active Member
I feel bad cause my bro does herion now and it is my fault. Six months ago he would never do any drugs. It took months of me trying to get him to smoke with me. Now he does any drug he can. I think my mom might know what he's been doing too and I know shed blame me cause I was supose to set an example.


Well-Known Member
I feel bad cause my bro does herion now and it is my fault. Six months ago he would never do any drugs. It took months of me trying to get him to smoke with me. Now he does any drug he can. I think my mom might know what he's been doing too and I know shed blame me cause I was supose to set an example.
Sorry man... I hate it when stuff like that happens.. Ive lost a few friends too heroin.. After they go awhile they literally turn into a completely different person.. Its extremely depressing. How old are you? That sounds like a very childish thing to do

the people I know who IMMEDIATELY went to heroin did it for attention.. And it got the best of some of them... :'(


Well-Known Member
I feel bad cause my bro does herion now and it is my fault. Six months ago he would never do any drugs. It took months of me trying to get him to smoke with me. Now he does any drug he can. I think my mom might know what he's been doing too and I know shed blame me cause I was supose to set an example.
All you can do is set an example to him in man, not really your fault :)

I know a lot of people who love synthetics too. Doubt its any good for you. Better activate them receptors with natural THC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people who love synthetics too. Doubt its any good for you. Better activate them receptors with natural THC
Have you done synthetics? Not in public? Its very awesome. Lol it feels like an exact replication of the very first time you were high.. You really should only smoke it every now and then.. In public it sucks tohugh because it makes it almost impossible to communicate


Well-Known Member
So how much is libility insurance for this kind of product? What happens when you get hauled into court for
when some dumass ODs??


Well-Known Member
So how much is libility insurance for this kind of product? What happens when you get hauled into court for
when some dumass ODs??
Havent crossed that bridge yet, but there is very obviously a way around it. Theres probably a confidentiallity contract you can get them too sign I'd imagine.

I mean all of the headshops around here sell it and I highly doubt a real 'company' is making it. Its simply putting two materials into a bag and shaking


Well-Known Member
I believe the places around here sell it illegally too, well I know one gas station does. And I know I could get them not too tell any body. As far as the headshop goes.. The same kinds of spice have been around for whatever sooooooooo... Theres something here.. Theres no exact guide. Im gonna have to go up there and ask about that specific issue.


Well-Known Member
Just thought Id bring this thread back for this:

Its a video on how to make it. Its easy, you mix the MAM 2201 in an acetone solution and simply evenly spray it onto damiana leaf. Im ordering a gram of mam 2201, and an ounce of damiana leaf on tuesday to try this. This makes for a 1 gram - 1 ounce rationwhich is very strong. your supposed to do 750mg - 1 ounce. But Im no pussy :p

Plus I sorta have a tolerance so its okay

Ill keep you guys posted haha


Hey guys, I really need your help.. I want to order mam2201, but i dont know if I can trust the sellers.. Somebody can tell me some websites where i can get it (sites where u have order and everything was fine) Thank you )))