how much light time?


Active Member
I'm new to growing, I just got my first seed germinated I planted it and now its sprouting up and its about an inch above the soil just getting its seedling leaves out. My question is how long do I leave my lights on this plant?


Well-Known Member
For the vegetative growth phase, which you will want to keep your plant in for at least 4 weeks, you want an 18/6 light cycle (18hrs on / 6hrs off), or a 24/0 light cycle (on all the time). There are varying opinions about which is better, but I think it really comes down to personal preference. I use a 24/0 light cycle but, again, I think it's a matter of personal preference. Once your plant has grown under at least 18hrs/day of light for at least 4 weeks, you can induce flowering by beginning a 12/12 light cycle (12hrs on / 12hrs off). After about a week or so under the 12/12 cycle, you will be able to determine the sex of the plant. As long as it's a female (which you are hoping for), you'll continue growing under the 12/12 light cycle for another 7-10 weeks, depending on the strain.


Well-Known Member
White Rhino is a great strain that will knock you on your ass! You should start a grow journal thread and keep us updated with weekly pics and such. We all love watching other peoples grow operations, and it will provide you with a single thread to ask questions and get opinions throughout your grow. Good luck!