How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
$300 a pound and you're complaining? how long would that last you, a year or 2? with those prices, I'd only be growing to have some better quality stuff for myself.

no i'm not complaining i just figure why buy it when i can grow it. i mean i'm the only one that smokes it and i know what i'm smoking and how good its gonna be. you buy off the street and its old,moldy,or just shit weed. i about to roll it up right now so ttyl :weed:


Well-Known Member
no i'm not complaining i just figure why buy it when i can grow it. i mean i'm the only one that smokes it and i know what i'm smoking and how good its gonna be. you buy off the street and its old,moldy,or just shit weed. i about to roll it up right now so ttyl :weed:
oh wow, don't you start rubbing it in... I have another hour of work then an hour drive home, then I can smoke. lol


New Member
oh wow, don't you start rubbing it in... I have another hour of work then an hour drive home, then I can smoke. lol

ok now your both rubbing it cant smoke till 11:30 pm tonight.. when my babies wake up... there in flower in the basement and thats the only place I can

10 years ago in NYC , I paid 500 an ounce for some good ole purple haze and an ounce of williams weed.... thats the most Ive ever paid... I use to buy 5 lbs for 2 grand back when I sold for decent mids in NYC...