How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
$10 - schwag (cant find it north if l.a.)
$30 - mex
$250 - chrons
$300 - street "kush"
$400 - top shelf medical.
$500 - just ridiculous. buy some street kush and a new bong.


Active Member
We are in such a drought that all u can get is mids...for anything better than good mids u gotta drive like an hour, have an awesome connect, or pay out the ASS.
Mids= 100
Beasters= 300
Any Kush/Skunk=450
Grandaddy Purp or equivalent=500


Well-Known Member
We are in such a drought that all u can get is mids...for anything better than good mids u gotta drive like an hour, have an awesome connect, or pay out the ASS.
Mids= 100
Beasters= 300
Any Kush/Skunk=450
Grandaddy Purp or equivalent=500
pretty much same round here


Active Member
In texas, about 50 - 60 for some reggies, 80 - 120 for some midsies, and 300 - 400 for some indo. The schwag can be as cheap as 20 but who cares about it anyway.


Active Member
The schwag here is dry, brown, and smells like ammonia real bad and doesn't taste like weed when you smoke it. Bad stuff. Anyone else see shit that bad?

Deep Mind

Active Member
Here its good stuff but im ashamed to say the other day I payed 40 Pounds for a quater bag so its 160 pounds for an ounce in my area (Hampshire) sucks.


Well-Known Member
shit wow in jersey it rerally depends
like schwag is around 140
regs are like 180
mids are aroound 240-280
and like insane dro is around 300ish

it all depends on your hookup and how direct your buying, if you go into nyc the prices plummet like 80 bucks an oz

daniel watson

Well-Known Member
in SANTA CRUZ CALIFORNIA i can get an oz. 4 bout 350-400. very fat sax and high quality shit...and they will bring it to u just for buying a large amount..but i guess it veryz my boy sellz his herb to the cani,club and he sells them 4 200 no more no less but his shit iz some killer mass genocide shit dude....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
in SANTA CRUZ CALIFORNIA i can get an oz. 4 bout 350-400. very fat sax and high quality shit...and they will bring it to u just for buying a large amount..but i guess it veryz my boy sellz his herb to the cani,club and he sells them 4 200 no more no less but his shit iz some killer mass genocide shit dude....bongsmilie
yeah. sounds like a sweet deal. is that your plant in your avatar?